KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report

In The News

U.S. So Far Spends Little Of Aid Allocated For Global COVID-19 Response, Says NYT; Media Outlets Examine Impacts Of U.S. Withdrawal From WHO, Trump Administration Policies' Impacts On Global Diplomacy Amid Pandemic

New York Times: Despite Big Promises, U.S. Has Delivered Limited Aid in Global Virus Response
“The Trump administration has lauded itself as leading the world in confronting the coronavirus. But it has so far failed to spend more than 75 percent of the American humanitarian aid that Congress provided three months ago to help overseas victims of the virus…” (Jakes, 6/7).

NPR: How Will The U.S. And WHO Fare Without Each Other?
“[On May 29], President Trump declared that he is ‘terminating’ the decades-long U.S. relationship with the World Health Organization over the agency’s relationship with China and withdrawing U.S. funding. But it’s unclear what will happen next — and what the short- and long-term implications will be. … [T]here are direct consequences if the U.S. stops funding and cooperating with the U.N. agency tasked with coordinating global responses to health threats, including the COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s what could happen in the short, medium, and long term…” (Huang, 6/5).

DW: Mo Ibrahim: Trump playing ‘blame game’ with WHO, coronavirus (van Eyssen/Micah, 6/7).

New York Times: Has ‘America First’ Become ‘Trump First’? Germans Wonder (Bennhold et al., 6/6).

New York Times: How Global Cooperation Could Be Key to Containing the Coronavirus (Gupta, 6/5).

POLITICO: Trump hails ‘tremendous progress’ on Covid-19 vaccine (Ollstein, 6/5).

Washington Post: Pentagon’s coronavirus plan includes millions for missile tubes and body armor (Gregg/Warner, 6/4).

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Brazil President Threatens To Leave WHO; Government Ceases Publication Of COVID-19 Data

AP: Brazil expunges virus death toll as data befuddles experts
“Brazil’s government has stopped publishing a running total of coronavirus deaths and infections in an extraordinary move that critics call an attempt to hide the true toll of the disease in Latin America’s largest nation. Saturday’s move came after months of criticism from experts that Brazil’s statistics are woefully deficient, and in some cases manipulated, so it may never be possible to understand the depth of the pandemic in the country…” (Jeantet et al., 6/7).

UPI: Brazil threatens to follow U.S. pullout of WHO amid pandemic
“Brazil has threatened to leave the World Health Organization over alleged bias as the South American country recorded the the second-highest number of cases of the coronavirus. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro announced the threat weeks after U.S. President Donald Trump cut U.S. ties with WHO. … ‘I’m telling you right now, the United States left the WHO, and we’re studying that, in the future,’ the far-right leader told reporters. ‘Either the WHO works without ideological bias, or we leave, too’…” (Brokaw, 6/6).

Additional coverage of Brazil’s removal of COVID-19 data is available from BBC, Reuters, and Washington Post.

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China Defends Response To Novel Coronavirus Outbreak In New Report, Announces Plans To Introduce Any Successful Vaccines Before Final Data Available

AP: China defends its coronavirus response in new report
“Senior Chinese officials released a lengthy report Sunday on the nation’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, defending their government’s actions and saying that China had provided information in a timely and transparent manner. China ‘wasted no time’ in sharing information such as the genome sequence for the new virus with the World Health Organization as well as relevant countries and regional organizations, according to the report. … U.S. officials have been critical of China’s early response, adding to a deterioration of U.S.-China relations over trade and technology and pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong. Asked how China would repair its relations with the rest of the world, Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu said that cooperation over the pandemic had improved ties with most other countries…” (Moritsugu, 6/8).

New York Times: China Hails Its Virus Triumphs, and Glosses Over Its Mistakes
“…Like much of China’s state propaganda on the coronavirus, the report provides a sanitized version of events, leaving out political and bureaucratic problems that exacerbated the crisis when it first emerged in the central Chinese city of Wuhan. … The report offers no new information on the origins of the virus. In a news conference on Sunday, a top Chinese official dismissed accusations about Beijing’s conduct as ‘completely unwarranted and unreasonable,’ an apparent reference to numerous accusations by the Trump administration that China is to blame for the pandemic…” (Bradsher, 6/7).

The Telegraph: China formulates plan to roll out vaccine before clinical trials are finished in race against Trump
“China may deploy coronavirus vaccines as early as September to at-risk groups even if clinical trials have yet to be completed. Health officials are drafting guidelines for administering vaccines under testing to priority groups, such as medical personnel, the latest sign Beijing is ramping up competition against the U.S. to produce a global cure. … Success could help Beijing deflect global anger over its cover-up of the pandemic and buoy its coronavirus-ravaged economy. It would also be a blow to Donald Trump’s ‘warp-speed’ plans for a vaccine…” (Yan, 6/6).

Additional coverage of China’s new COVID-19 report, vaccine research efforts, and other issues related to the pandemic is available from AP, New York Times (2), and Reuters.

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Global Partnerships Forming To Ensure Equitable Distribution Of Potential Coronavirus Vaccine

New York Times: U.K. Lab to Sidestep Drug Industry to Sell Potential Virus Vaccine
“A prominent British laboratory is forming a special partnership that would sidestep the drug industry to sell a potential vaccine against the coronavirus without profits or licensing fees in Britain and in low- and middle-income countries. … Imperial College is forming the company in partnership with the investment firm Morningside Ventures, which is based in Hong Kong. The new entity will be called VacEquity Global Health. Morningside Ventures was founded by the Chan family, which is also a major donor to the T.H. Chan School of Public Health at Harvard…” (Kirkpatrick, 6/7).

Wall Street Journal: Vaccine Giant Promises a Billion Covid Shots for Poor Countries
“An Indian drug giant, little-known outside the vaccine world, has agreed to make and distribute a billion doses of a yet-to-be approved coronavirus vaccine — a move aimed at providing pandemic protection to the world’s poorest. AstraZeneca [last] week tapped Serum Institute of India, or SII, to be part of a global manufacturing and distribution network for a potential coronavirus vaccine being developed by University of Oxford researchers…” (Bellman/Roland, 6/6).

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RECOVERY Trial Shows Hydroxychloroquine Ineffective At Treating COVID-19 Patients; U.K. Halts Trial

Reuters: U.K. halts trial of hydroxychloroquine as ‘useless’ for COVID-19 patients
“British scientists halted a major drug trial on Friday after it found that the anti-malarial hydroxychloroquine, touted by U.S. President Donald Trump as a potential ‘game changer’ in the pandemic, was ‘useless’ at treating COVID-19 patients. ‘This is not a treatment for COVID-19. It doesn’t work,’ Martin Landray, an Oxford University professor who is co-leading the RECOVERY trial, told reporters. ‘This result should change medical practice worldwide. We can now stop using a drug that is useless’…” (Kelland/Smout, 6/5).

STAT: Study: Hydroxychloroquine had no benefit for hospitalized Covid-19 patients, possibly closing door to use of drug
“Amajor clinical trial showed the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine had no benefit for patients hospitalized with Covid-19, likely closing the door to the use of the highly publicized medicine in the sickest patients — a use for which it was widely prescribed as the pandemic hit the U.S. The results come from a study called RECOVERY, funded by the U.K. government, that sought to randomly assign large numbers of patients to multiple potential treatments in the country’s National Health Service. The goal was to rapidly get answers as to what worked and what didn’t…” (Herper, 6/5).

Additional coverage of hydroxychloroquine is available from MedPage Today, NBC, The Telegraph, and USA TODAY.

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WHO Recommends More Widespread Use Of Masks To Help Prevent Spread Of Novel Coronavirus In Crowded Spaces

The Hill: WHO encourages use of face coverings to stem spread of COVID-19
“The World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday endorsed the use of face coverings among the general public in an attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19, after many countries have already encouraged their citizens to wear them. WHO previously only recommended masks for people who are sick or caring for someone who is ill. In updated guidance released Friday, WHO stated that governments in countries with widespread transmission of COVID-19 should urge their citizens to wear nonmedical face masks in public settings, especially in areas where physical distancing is difficult, like in grocery stores and other crowded spaces…” (Hellman, 6/5).

U.N. News: WHO urges mask use in confined public areas, where coronavirus still spreads
“…Additionally, people over 60, or who have underlying health conditions, should wear medical masks in these settings, while all workers in clinical areas of health facilities should also use them — not just those who deal with COVID-19 patients. However, WHO chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, warned against putting too much faith in masks, stressing that they are only part of a comprehensive strategy to defeat the disease. ‘I cannot say this clearly enough: masks alone will not protect you from COVID-19,’ he told journalists. ‘Masks are not a replacement for physical distancing, hand hygiene, and other public health measures’…” (6/5).

Additional coverage of the WHO’s new guidance is available from BBC, CNN, The Guardian, New York Times, Reuters, VOA, and Vox.

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Confirmed Global COVID-19 Death Toll Passes 400K; Worldwide Protests Fueled By Death Of George Floyd, Pandemic's Impact On Black Communities Pose Dilemmas For Disease Control, Experts Warn; Testing Spending Criticized

AP: World reaches 400,000 virus deaths as pope urges caution
“The confirmed global death toll from the COVID-19 virus reached at least 400,000 fatalities on Sunday … Worldwide, at least 6.9 million people have been infected by the virus, according to Johns Hopkins University, whose aggregated tally has become the main worldwide reference for monitoring the disease. … Health experts, however, believe that the John Hopkins tally falls short of showing the true tragedy of the pandemic…” (Wilson, 6/7).

Financial Times: Testing funds shortfall imperils Covid-19 fight, health groups warn
“Donors have come under fire for giving coronavirus testing less than 3 percent from a €10bn global emergency response fund, as healthcare groups warn that ignoring diagnostics threatens to undermine efforts to contain the pandemic. The tiny allocation from the pledges made so far to an E.U.-led international Covid-19 financial appeal falls far short of what is needed to support the rollout of potential treatments and vaccines, experts say…” (Peel, 6/8).

The Guardian: Fury at Floyd’s death ‘fueled by impact of Covid-19 on black communities’
“The outrage that has gripped many nations in the wake of the death of George Floyd is likely to have been fueled by resentment over Covid-19’s extreme impact on black communities, one of the world’s top health experts warned on Saturday. David Nabarro, professor of global health at Imperial College London, said the disease was now having a disproportionately severe impact on the most disadvantaged sections of those nations that had been the slowest to tackle the pandemic and who now have the worst infection rates. ‘Some of the anger now being expressed among people of color may be traced to the fact they have actually had to carry the brunt of this,’ said Nabarro, who is also an envoy for the World Health Organization on Covid-19…” (McKie, 6/6).

Additional coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic, responses, and the potential impact of protests is available from Financial Times, New York Times, and NPR (2).

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New Zealand Declared Virus-Free, Loosens Restrictions; World Looks To Learn Lessons After Asian, European Nations Loosen Lockdowns; Latin American Nations See Increase In Cases; U.S., Mexico Border Areas See Heavy Impacts


AP: Africa’s essential truckers say they face virus stigma (Muhumuza/Odula, 6/7).

Devex: In Uganda, refugee programs struggle with social distancing norms (Okereke, 6/8).

DW: Coronavirus Special Podcast #19 | When COVID-19 and Ebola strike at the same time (Nebe, 6/5).

Global Press Journal: Mobile Money Shields Some Zambians from Coronavirus, Endangers Others (Phiri, 6/7).


ABC (Australia): How Australia’s ‘panic and neglect’ funding cycle has left us vulnerable to pandemics like coronavirus (McNeill et al., 6/7).

BBC: Coronavirus ‘second wave’: What lessons can we learn from Asia? (Ontiveros, 6/7).

The Guardian: New Zealand drops Covid-19 restrictions after nation declared ‘virus-free’ (Graham-McLay, 6/8).

Reuters: Exclusive: Half of Singapore’s new COVID-19 cases are symptomless, taskforce head says (Geddie, 6/8).

Reuters: India overtakes Italy’s coronavirus tally as lockdown easing looms (Jadhav, 6/6).

VOA: Japan Announces Plans for COVID-19 Vaccinations by June 2021 (6/5).

Wall Street Journal: ‘Worse Than a War Zone’: Covid-19 Batters India’s Mumbai City (Pokharel/Roy, 6/7).


Wall Street Journal: Putin’s Global Ambitions Are Upended by Coronavirus’s Heavy Toll in Russia (Trofimov/Grove, 6/6).

Washington Post: Coronavirus infections haven’t spiked since Europe loosened lockdowns. There are many theories about why (Harlan et al., 6/5).


Bloomberg: It’s Covid Code Red in Latin America With No Signs of Peaking (Brice/Boyd, 6/6).

The Guardian: Cuba sets example with successful program to contain coronavirus (Augustin, 6/7).

Reuters: Chile coronavirus death toll jumps sharply after new cases added (Ramos, 6/7).


AFP: Iran says virus uptick due to increased testing (6/7).


The Atlantic: America Is Giving Up on the Pandemic (Madrigal/Meyer, 6/7).

New York Times: Mexico’s Leftist Leader Rejects Big Spending to Ease Virus’s Sting (Ahmed, 6/8).

New York Times: Coronavirus Jumps the Border, Overwhelming Hospitals in California (Jordan, 6/7).

New York Times: The Top Doctor Who Aced the Coronavirus Test (Porter, 6/5).

Wall Street Journal: California and Some Other States See Coronavirus Cases Rise (Ansari/Abbott, 6/7).

Wall Street Journal: Covid-19 Stalks Large Families in Rural America (Lovett et al., 6/7).

Washington Post: Shutdowns prevented 60 million coronavirus infections in the U.S., study finds (Achenbach, 6/8).

Washington Post: ‘I have never felt so helpless’: Front-line workers confront loss (Cha et al., 6/7).

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U.K.'s DFID Pausing Some Aid Budget Decisions Amid Economic Impacts Of COVID-19 Pandemic

Devex: Exclusive: DFID pauses ‘some new decisions’ as aid budget expected to fall
“The U.K.’s Department for International Development has confirmed it is pausing some decisions on aid spending, as the government grapples with the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. A document sent to DFID suppliers and seen by Devex highlighted the government’s warning of a ‘significant recession’ and said this could impact the official development assistance budget…” (Worley, 6/5).

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COVID-19 Pandemic Response Efforts Interrupt Sexual-Health Supply Chain

The Atlantic: The Sexual-Health Supply Chain Is Broken
“…DKT’s struggles highlight the fragility of a global supply chain in which essential goods and medicines are often sourced from a small handful of countries whose competitive advantage has allowed them to dominate various steps of the production cycle. This is not a challenge limited to reproductive health: All over the world, manufacturing, shipping, and logistics have slowed or halted altogether as governments have closed factories, grounded flights, and sealed off borders in response to the coronavirus. But whereas for most goods, this represents little more than an inconvenience, when it comes to vital sexual- and reproductive-health commodities, such breakdowns can put lives at risk…” (Sussman, 6/8).

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Consortium Of Groups Launches New Online Data Hub To Support Food Policy Decision-Making

Devex: ‘Google Maps for food systems’: New dashboard aims to aid decision-making
“A new online data hub intended to help countries make more informed food policy decisions aggregates data from different aspects of the food system — from supply chains to individual diets — to provide a fuller picture of whether and how people around the world access the nutritious foods they need. The Food Systems Dashboard, which covers 230 countries, was launched last week by a consortium of organizations led by Johns Hopkins University, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, and the Food and Agriculture Organization. It uses 171 indicators to show national and regional trends in food systems including crop yield, relative caloric prices, presence of markets, fruit and vegetable consumption, stunting rates, and population growth. … Data in the system comes from 35 sources…” (Welsh, 6/8).

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Media Outlets Examine Public Comments On Abortion, LGBT+ Rights From USAID Officials, Others

CNN: Acting USAID chief’s daughter rebukes him over push for U.N. to limit abortion access
“The daughter of the acting head of the U.S. Agency for International Development is rebuking her father over the agency’s push for the United Nations to remove abortion as an ‘essential service’ in its response to the coronavirus pandemic. ‘I am utterly disgusted that you choose to stand by this administration and take part in stripping people of their human rights. I am truly embarrassed to call you my father,’ a Twitter account appearing to be that of Camille Barsa, acting USAID Administrator John Barsa’s daughter, posted Friday. CNN has attempted to contact a number listed for Camille Barsa, but has not yet received a response. The USAID declined to comment, citing a family matter…” (Stracqualursi/Atwood, 6/6).

ProPublica: New Trump Appointee to Foreign Aid Agency Has Denounced Liberal Democracy and ‘Our Homo-Empire’
“A new Trump appointee to the United States’ foreign aid agency has a history of online posts denouncing liberal democracy and has said that the country is in the clutches of a ‘homo-empire’ that pushes a ‘tyrannical LGBT agenda.’ In one post, Merritt Corrigan, who recently took up a position as deputy White House liaison at the U.S. Agency for International Development, wrote: ‘Liberal democracy is little more than a front for the war being waged against us by those who fundamentally despise not only our way of life, but life itself.’ Corrigan’s new position in the Trump administration, confirmed by two officials, has not been previously reported…” (Torbati, 6/5).

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More News In Global Health

ABC Science: The next pandemic is coming — and sooner than we think, thanks to changes to the environment (Dulaney, 6/7).

Boston Globe: Vaccines have saved millions of lives, but history shows missteps can prove deadly (Saltzman, 6/6).

The Guardian: ‘Rolling emergency’ of locust swarms decimating Africa, Asia, and Middle East (Ahmed, 6/8).

The Guardian: ‘It’s psychologically easier’: how anti-vaxxers capitalized on coronavirus fears to spread misinformation (Sherpherd, 6/6).

The Guardian: Egyptian father to stand trial on charges of forced FGM of three daughters (Michaelson, 6/5).

NPR: What We Can Learn From The 1968 Hong Kong Flu Pandemic (Garcia-Navarro, 6/7).

POLITICO: European Commission wants social media to report monthly on Covid-19 misinformation (Scott et al., 6/7).

SciDev.Net: ‘Most successful’ vaccine summit raises US$8.8 billion (Broom, 6/5).

STAT: After retractions of two Covid-19 papers, scientists ask what went wrong (Begley, 6/8).

STAT: Researcher involved in retracted Lancet study has faculty appointment terminated, as details in scandal emerge (Herper/Sheridan, 6/7).

U.N. News: World Food Safety Day: From planting to your plate, everyone has a role to play (6/7).

VOA: Rights Groups Condemn Attack on Aid Workers in Cameroon (Kindzeka, 6/6).

Xinhua: UNICEF condemns killing of children in DR Congo (6/6).

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Editorials and Opinions

Editorial, Opinion Pieces Discuss Role Of WHO In Global Health, Potential Impact Of U.S. Withdrawal From Global Body

Foreign Affairs: How to Keep the United States in the WHO
Harold Hongju Koh, Sterling professor of international law, and Lawrence O. Gostin, O’Neill professor of global health law and faculty director at the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University and director of the WHO Collaborating Center on National and Global Health Law (6/5).

The Hill: Trump’s WHO withdrawal too hasty by half
Lawrence J. Haas, senior fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council (6/6).

LSE Business Review: How to reorganize the World Health Organization — and how to finance it
Lucie Gadenne, assistant professor of economics at Warwick University, research fellow at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, and CEPR research affiliate, and Maitreesh Ghatak, professor of economics at LSE, fellow of the British Academy, co-editor of Economica, and director of the development economics research program at the Suntory Toyota International Center for Economics and Related Disciplines (STICERD) (6/5).

National Interest: Abandoning the World Health Organization Will Benefit China
Gary R. Edson, principal of Civic Enterprises (6/7).

Newsweek: To Prevent the Next Pandemic, Global Spy Agencies Must Join Forces With the WHO
Jamie Metzl, founder of OneShared.World and member of the WHO international advisory committee on human genome editing, and Glenn S. Gerstell, senior adviser at the Center for Strategic & International Studies (6/8).

Washington Post: New evidence suggests Trump was wrong about the WHO and China
Editorial Board (6/6).

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Opinion Pieces Discuss Various Aspects Of COVID-19 Pandemic, Including Health Disparities, Pandemic's Threat To Food Security In Africa

Bloomberg: Hydroxychloroquine Farce Has Tragic Consequences
Lionel Laurent, Bloomberg Opinion columnist (6/8).

CNBC Africa: As COVID-19 presents Africa with conflicting choices between relief for today and investing for tomorrow, here’s why it needs to consider digitization
Eyob Tekalgn Tolina, state minister of Ethiopia’s Ministry of Finance, and Ruth Goodwin-Groen, managing director of Better Than Cash Alliance (6/5).

The Conversation: Why it’s vital to look beyond the hype about repurposed malaria drugs
Marguerite Blignaut, postdoctoral research fellow at Stellenbosch University (6/7).

The Conversation: Epidemics have often led to discrimination against minorities — this time is no different
Mark Honigsbaum, medical historian and lecturer in journalism at City, University of London (6/6).

The Conversation: COVID-19 heightens water problems around the world
Cecilia Tortajada, senior research fellow at the Institute of Water Policy at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, and Asit K. Biswas, visiting professor at the University of Glasgow (6/8).

Devex: Weak health systems kill — here’s how we can stop that from happening
Madeleine Ballard, executive director of the Community Health Impact Coalition (6/5).

Devex: On equity in the international development sector — we need more intravists
Blessing Omakwu, international development consultant, women’s equality evangelist, lawyer, and founder of the She Tank (6/5).

Foreign Affairs: How the Coronavirus Sows Civil Conflict
Rachel Brown, founder and executive director of Over Zero; Heather Hurlburt, director of the New Models of Policy Change project at New America’s Political Reform program; and Alexandra Stark, senior researcher at New America’s Political Reform program (6/6).

The Guardian: If drug firms take public funds they must make their finds available to all
Kenan Malik, Observer columnist (6/7).

IPS: Safeguarding Africa’s Food Security in the Age of COVID-19
Pritha Mitra, Malawi mission chief and deputy division chief in the IMF’s African Department, and Seung Mo Choi, economist at the IMF Institute for Capacity Development (6/5).

New York Times: Brazil Is in Coronavirus Free Fall
Vanessa Barbara, editor of A Hortaliça and author (6/8).

New York Times: Could Trump Turn a Vaccine Into a Campaign Stunt?
Ezekiel Emanuel, professor of medical ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania, co-host of the podcast Making the Call, and author, and Paul Offit, professor of pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania, co-inventor of the rotavirus vaccine, and author (6/8).

Scientific American: Why Would Anyone Distrust Anthony Fauci?
John H. Evans, Tata Chancellor’s chair in social sciences and co-director of the Institute for Practical Ethics at the University of California, San Diego, and Eszter Hargittai, professor and chair in internet use and society in the Communication and Media Studies Department at the University of Zurich (6/7).

Scientific American: Racism, Not Genetics, Explains Why Black Americans Are Dying Of COVID-19
Clarence (Lance) Gravlee, associate professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Florida (6/7).

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From the Global Health Policy Community

Blog Posts, Podcasts, Analysis, Events Focus On COVID-19 Issues

BMJ Opinion: Contact tracing for covid-19 in low- and middle-income countries
Nusrat Homaira, respiratory epidemiologist and senior lecturer with the University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia, and colleagues (6/5).

BMJ Opinion: Richard Smith: How can we achieve a healthy recovery from the pandemic?
Richard Smith, former editor of The BMJ (6/8).

Center for Strategic & International Studies: Various Resources and Events
CSIS recently produced podcasts on COVID-19 in Haiti and South Africa, released an analysis on strengthening routine immunization amid COVID-19, and held events focused on global health governance in East Asia and the U.S. global pandemic response (June 2020).

Council on Foreign Relations: In Bayelsa, Nigerian Government Response to COVID-19 Falls Short of Promises
John Campbell, Ralph Bunche senior fellow for Africa policy studies at CFR (6/5).

Global Citizen: 8 Barriers to Good Health That People Living in Poverty Face
Brandon Wiggins, contributor to Global Citizen (6/5).

Sanitation and Water for All: World leaders’ Call to Action on COVID-19 (June 2020).

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Friends Of Global Fight Releases Statement On Gavi Replenishment

Friends of the Global Fight: Statement On Global Vaccine Summit
In this statement, Chris Collins, president of Friends of the Global Fight Against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, says, “Friends applauds Gavi and the international community for a very successful funding replenishment. Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, has shown the world what is possible when countries commit to helping all children grow up free of preventable disease. At the Global Vaccine Summit this week, world leaders exceeded pledging targets and raised $8.8 billion for Gavi. … Friends is heartened to see this strong stance of global solidarity and we applaud world leaders for stepping up to the challenge” (6/5).

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CSIS Holds Online Event On Upcoming AIDS 2020 Conference, Releases Brief On Global HIV/AIDS Issues

CSIS: Online Event: AIDS 2020 Reimagined
J. Stephen Morrison, senior vice president and director at the CSIS Global Health Policy Center, moderated an online conversation with Anton Pozniak, president of IAS, and Jennifer Kates, senior vice president and director of Global Health & HIV Policy at KFF and a member of the IAS governing council, to discuss the upcoming virtual International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2020) (5/29).

CSIS: Challenges to Continued U.S. Leadership Ahead of Global HIV’s Next Phase
In this brief, Maggie McCarten-Gibbs, program manager, and Sara M. Allinder, senior associate (non-resident), both with the Global Health Policy Center at CSIS, discuss key challenges for global HIV/AIDS efforts and the role of the U.S. government (5/28).

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From the U.S. Government

U.S. Secretary Of State Announces Additional Assistance For COVID-19 Pandemic

USAID: Statement by Secretary Michael R. Pompeo
In a statement on U.S. assistance for COVID-19, U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo notes, “In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have truly mobilized as a nation to combat the virus, both at home and abroad … Today, the United States is announcing more than $194 million in new assistance, including nearly $180 million to support the purchase of ventilators. In addition, the United States is providing more than $14 million in new humanitarian assistance to support refugees, vulnerable migrants, and host communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic…” (6/4).

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USAID Provides Grants To UNICEF For COVID-19 Efforts In Thailand

USAID: COVID-19: United States And UNICEF Join Forces To Protect The Most Vulnerable Including Migrants In Thailand
“The United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) are partnering in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic to help curb the spread of the virus and mitigate the impacts among the most vulnerable populations in Thailand, such as migrants and their families, and stateless ethnic minorities. USAID has provided UNICEF grants totaling $700,000 to address the pandemic in Thailand…” (6/5).

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From KFF

KFF Provides Resources On Global, Domestic Aspects Of COVID-19 Pandemic

KFF: COVID-19 Coronavirus Tracker — Updated as of June 8, 2020
Data on country government actions in response to COVID-19 have been added to the tracker (6/8).

Additional KFF COVID-19 resources on the global situation, as well as those focused on the response and impact within the U.S., are available here. KFF’s blog series “Coronavirus Policy Watch” is available here.

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The independent source for health policy research, polling, and news, KFF is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, California.