Health Costs
- Access & Affordability
Over 57 Million Could Be Clinically Eligible for GLP-1 Drugs
Over two in five (57.4 million) adults under 65 with private insurance could be eligible under clinical criteria for GLP-1 drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes, obesity, or excess weight and weight-related health issues.
- health spending
Household Health Spending Calculator
This interactive tool, updated with 2022 data, helps users understand health care costs vary by family size, income, insurance, and health status. Use the dropdown menus to explore scenarios and trends in household health spending. - Health Spending
Recent Trends in Health Utilization and Spending
As of the first quarter of 2024, most spending on health services exceeds pre-pandemic levels, and health costs are growing at a faster rate than in recent years. - Access & Affordability
Medicare Drug Negotiations and Employer Coverage
Among the 167 million people with employer-sponsored insurance in 2022, 3.4 million used at least one of the first 10 drugs identified for Medicare price negotiations,
Health Policy 101: Costs and Affordability
This Health Policy 101 chapter explores trends in health care costs in the U.S. and the factors that contribute to this spending. It also examines how health care spending varies and the impact on affordability and people’s overall financial vulnerability.
Americans’ Challenges with Health Care Costs
This data note reviews our recent polling data that finds that Americans struggle to afford many aspects of health care, including disproportionate shares of uninsured adults, Black and Hispanic adults and those with lower incomes.
National Health Spending Explorer
This interactive Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker tool allows users to examine five decades worth of data on health expenditures by federal and local governments, private insurers, and individuals.
Polling on Prescription Drugs and Their Prices
This chart collection draws on recent KFF poll findings to provide an in-depth look at the public’s attitudes toward prescription drugs and their prices. Results include Americans’ opinions on drug affordability, pharmaceutical companies, and various potential measures that could lower prices.
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