Section One: Cost of Health Insurance
    View Exhibits
    1. Exhibit 1.1: Average Monthly and Annual Premiums for Covered Workers, Single and Family Coverage, by Plan Type, 2013
    2. Exhibit 1.2: Average Monthly and Annual Premiums for Covered Workers, by Plan Type and Firm Size, 2013
    3. Exhibit 1.3: Average Monthly and Annual Premiums for Covered Workers, by Plan Type and Region, 2013
    4. Exhibit 1.4: Average Monthly and Annual Premiums for Covered Workers, by Plan Type and Industry, 2013
    5. Exhibit 1.5: Average Annual Premiums for Covered Workers with Single Coverage, by Firm Characteristics, 2013
    6. Exhibit 1.6: Average Annual Premiums for Covered Workers with Family Coverage, by Firm Characteristics, 2013
    7. Exhibit 1.7: Distribution of Annual Premiums for Single and Family Coverage Relative to the Average Annual Single or Family Premium, 2013
    8. Exhibit 1.8: Distribution of Premiums for Single and Family Coverage Relative to the Average Annual Single or Family Premium, 2013
    9. Exhibit 1.9: Distribution of Annual Premiums for Covered Workers with Single Coverage, 2013
    10. Exhibit 1.10: Distribution of Annual Premiums for Covered Workers with Family Coverage, 2013
    11. Exhibit 1.11: Average Annual Premiums for Single and Family Coverage, 1999-2013
    12. Exhibit 1.12: Average Annual Premiums for Covered Workers with Family Coverage, by Firm Size, 1999-2013
    13. Exhibit 1.13: Average Annual Premiums for Covered Workers with Family Coverage, by Firm Size, 1999-2013
    14. Exhibit 1.14: Among Workers in Large Firms (200 or More Workers), Average Annual Health Insurance Premiums for Family Coverage, by Funding Arrangement, 1999-2013
    Section Six: Worker and Employer Contributions for Premiums
    View Exhibits
    1. Exhibit 6.1: Average Percentage of Premium Paid by Covered Workers for Single and Family Coverage, 1999-2013
    2. Exhibit 6.2: Average Monthly Worker Premium Contributions Paid by Covered Workers for Single and Family Coverage, 1999-2013
    3. Exhibit 6.3: Average Annual Worker and Employer Contributions to Premiums and Total Premiums for Single Coverage, 1999-2013
    4. Exhibit 6.4: Average Annual Worker and Employer Contributions to Premiums and Total Premiums for Family Coverage, 1999-2013
    5. Exhibit 6.5: Average Annual Firm and Worker Premium Contributions and Total Premiums for Covered Workers for Single and Family Coverage, by Plan Type, 2013
    6. Exhibit 6.6: Average Annual Worker Contributions for Covered Workers with Single Coverage, by Firm Size, 1999-2013
    7. Exhibit 6.7: Average Annual Worker Contributions for Covered Workers with Family Coverage, by Firm Size, 1999-2013
    8. Exhibit 6.8: Average Annual Worker Premium Contributions Paid by Covered Workers for Single and Family Coverage, by Firm Size, 1999-2013
    9. Exhibit 6.9: Average Annual Firm and Worker Premium Contributions and Total Premiums for Covered Workers for Single Coverage, by Plan Type and Firm Size, 2013
    10. Exhibit 6.10: Average Annual Firm and Worker Premium Contributions and Total Premiums for Covered Workers for Family Coverage, by Plan Type and Firm Size, 2013
    11. Exhibit 6.11: Average Monthly and Annual Worker Premium Contributions Paid by Covered Workers for Single and Family Coverage, by Plan Type and Firm Size, 2013
    12. Exhibit 6.12: Average Monthly and Annual Worker Premium Contributions Paid by Covered Workers for Single and Family Coverage, by Plan Type and Region, 2013
    13. Exhibit 6.13: Average Monthly Worker Premium Contributions Paid by Covered Workers for Single and Family Coverage, by Plan Type, 1999-2013
    14. Exhibit 6.14: Distribution of Worker Premium Contributions for Single and Family Coverage Relative to the Average Annual Worker Premium Contribution, 2013
    15. Exhibit 6.15: Distribution of Percentage of Premium Paid by Covered Workers for Single and Family Coverage, 2002-2013
    16. Exhibit 6.16: Distribution of Percentage of Premium Paid by Covered Workers for Single Coverage, by Firm Size, 2002-2013
    17. Exhibit 6.17: Distribution of Percentage of Premium Paid by Covered Workers for Family Coverage, by Firm Size, 2002-2013
    18. Exhibit 6.18: Distribution of the Percentage of Total Premium Paid by Covered Workers for Single and Family Coverage, by Wage Level, 2013
    19. Exhibit 6.19: Average Percentage of Premium Paid by Covered Workers for Single Coverage, by Firm Characteristics and Size, 2013
    20. Exhibit 6.20: Average Percentage of Premium Paid by Covered Workers for Family Coverage, by Firm Characteristics and Size, 2013
    21. Exhibit 6.21: Average Percentage of Premium Paid by Covered Workers for Single and Family Coverage, by Plan Type and Firm Size, 2013
    22. Exhibit 6.22: Average Percentage of Premium Paid by Covered Workers for Single and Family Coverage, by Plan Type, 1999-2013
    23. Exhibit 6.23: Average Percentage of Premium Paid by Covered Workers for Single and Family Coverage, by Plan Type and Region, 2013
    24. Exhibit 6.24: Average Percentage of Premium Paid by Covered Workers, by Plan Type and Industry, 2013
    25. Exhibit 6.25: Among Firms Offering Health Benefits with Fewer Than 20 Employees, Variations in Premiums and Firm Premium Contributions for Single Coverage, 2013
    Section Seven: Employee Cost Sharing
    View Exhibits
    1. Exhibit 7.1: Percent of Covered Workers with No General Annual Health Plan Deductible for Single and Family Coverage, by Plan Type and Firm Size, 2013
    2. Exhibit 7.2: Percent of Covered Workers in a Plan which Includes a General Annual Deductible for Single Coverage, By Plan Type, 2006-2013
    3. Exhibit 7.3: Percent of Covered Workers in a Plan which Includes a General Annual Deductible and Average Deductible, By Firm Characteristics, 2013
    4. Exhibit 7.4: Among Covered Workers with No General Annual Health Plan Deductible for Single and Family Coverage, Percent Who Have the Following Types of Cost Sharing, by Plan Type, 2013
    5. Exhibit 7.5: Among Covered Workers with a General Annual Health Plan Deductible for Single Coverage, Average Deductible, by Plan Type and Firm Size, 2013
    6. Exhibit 7.6: Among Covered Workers with a General Annual Health Plan Deductible for Single Coverage, Average Deductible, by Plan Type and Region, 2013
    7. Exhibit 7.7: Among Covered Workers with a General Annual Health Plan Deductible for Single Coverage, Average Deductible, by Plan Type, 2006-2013
    8. Exhibit 7.8: Percentage of Covered Workers Enrolled in a Plan with a High General Annual Deductible for Single Coverage, By Firm Size, 2013
    9. Exhibit 7.9: Percentage of Covered Workers Enrolled in a Plan with a General Annual Deductible of $1,000 or More for Single Coverage, By Firm Size, 2006-2013
    10. Exhibit 7.10: Percentage of Covered Workers Enrolled in a Plan with a General Annual Deductible of $2,000 or More for Single Coverage, By Firm Size, 2006-2013
    11. Exhibit 7.11: Among Covered Workers with a General Annual Health Plan Deductible for Single PPO Coverage, Distribution of Deductibles, 2006-2013
    12. Exhibit 7.12: Among Covered Workers With a General Annual Health Plan Deductible for Single POS Coverage, Distribution of Deductibles, 2006-2013
    13. Exhibit 7.13: Distribution of Type of General Annual Deductible for Covered Workers with Family Coverage, by Plan Type and Firm Size, 2013
    14. Exhibit 7.14: Among Covered Workers with a General Annual Health Plan Deductible, Average Deductibles for Family Coverage, by Deductible Type, Plan Type, and Firm Size, 2013
    15. Exhibit 7.15: Among Covered Workers with an Aggregate General Annual Health Plan Deductible for Family Coverage, Average Deductibles, by Plan Type, 2006-2013
    16. Exhibit 7.16: Among Covered Workers with a Separate Per Person General Annual Health Plan Deductible for Family Coverage, Distribution of Deductibles, by Plan Type, 2013
    17. Exhibit 7.17: Among Covered Workers with an Aggregate General Annual Health Plan Deductible for Family Coverage, Distribution of Deductibles, By Plan Type, 2013
    18. Exhibit 7.18: Among Covered Workers With a Separate Per Person General Annual Health Plan Deductible for Family Coverage, Structure of Deductible Limits, By Plan Type, 2013
    19. Exhibit 7.19: Among Covered Workers With a Separate Per Person General Annual Health Plan Deductible for Family Coverage, Distribution of Maximum Number of Family Members Required to Meet the Deductible, by Plan Type, 2013
    20. Exhibit 7.20: Among Covered Workers With an Aggregate General Annual Health Plan Deductible for Family Coverage, Distribution of Aggregate Deductibles, by Plan Type, 2006-2013
    21. Exhibit 7.21: Among Covered Workers with a General Annual Health Plan Deductible, Percentage with Coverage for the Following Services Without Having to First Meet the Deductible, by Plan Type, 2013
    22. Exhibit 7.22: Distribution of Covered Workers With Separate Cost Sharing for a Hospital Admission in Addition to Any General Annual Deductible, by Plan Type, 2013
    23. Exhibit 7.23: Distribution of Covered Workers with Separate Cost Sharing for an Outpatient Surgery Episode in Addition to Any General Annual Deductible, by Plan Type, 2013
    24. Exhibit 7.24: Among Covered Workers with Separate Cost Sharing for a Hospital Admission or Outpatient Surgery Episode in Addition to Any General Annual Deductible, Average Cost Sharing, by Plan Type, 2013
    25. Exhibit 7.25: In Addition to Any General Annual Plan Deductible, Percentage of Covered Workers with the Following Types of Cost Sharing for Physician Office Visits, by Plan Type, 2013
    26. Exhibit 7.26: Among Covered Workers with Copayments and/or Coinsurance for In-Network Physician Office Visits, Average Copayments and Coinsurance, by Plan Type, 2013
    27. Exhibit 7.27: Among Covered Workers with Copayments for a Physician Office Visit with a Primary Care Physician, Distribution of Copayments, by Plan Type, 2013
    28. Exhibit 7.28: Among Covered Workers with Copayments for a Physician Office Visit with a Specialty Care Physician, Distribution of Copayments, by Plan Type, 2013
    29. Exhibit 7.29: Among Covered Workers with Copayments for a Physician Office Visit with a Primary Care Physician, Distribution of Copayments, 2006-2013
    30. Exhibit 7.30: Among Covered Workers with Copayments for a Physician Office Visit with a Specialty Care Physician, Distribution of Copayments, 2006-2013
    31. Exhibit 7.31: Percentage of Covered Workers without an Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum for Single and Family Coverage, by Plan Type, 2013
    32. Exhibit 7.32: Among Covered Workers with an Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum, Percentage Whose Spending on Various Services Does Not Count Towards the Out-of-Pocket Maximum, by Plan Type, 2013
    33. Exhibit 7.33: Among Covered Workers with an Out-of-Pocket Maximum for Single Coverage, Distribution of Out-of-Pocket Maximums, by Plan Type, 2013
    34. Exhibit 7.34: Distribution of Type of Out-of-Pocket Maximum for Covered Workers with Family Coverage, by Plan Type and Firm Size, 2013
    35. Exhibit 7.35: Among Covered Workers with an Aggregate Out-of-Pocket Maximum for Family Coverage, Distribution of Out-of-Pocket Maximums, by Plan Type, 2013
    36. Exhibit 7.36: Among Covered Workers with a Separate Per Person Out-of-Pocket Maximum for Family Coverage, Distribution of Out-of-Pocket Maximums, by Plan Type, 2013
    37. Exhibit 7.37: Among Covered Workers with a Separate Per Person Out-of-Pocket Maximum for Family Coverage, Distribution of Number of Family Members Required to Meet the Maximum, by Plan Type, 2013
    Section Eight: High-Deductible Health Plans with Savings Option
    View Exhibits
    1. Exhibit 8.1: Among Firms Offering Health Benefits, Percentage That Offer an HDHP/HRA and/or an HSA-Qualified HDHP, 2005-2013
    2. Exhibit 8.2: Among Firms Offering Health Benefits, Percentage That Offer an HDHP/SO, by Firm Size, 2013
    3. Exhibit 8.3: Among Firms Offering Health Benefits, Percentage That Offer an HDHP/SO, by Firm Size, 2005-2013
    4. Exhibit 8.4: Percentage of Covered Workers Enrolled in an HDHP/SO, 2006-2013
    5. Exhibit 8.5: Percentage of Covered Workers Enrolled in an HDHP/HRA or HSA-Qualified HDHP, 2006-2013
    6. Exhibit 8.6: Percentage of Covered Workers Enrolled in an HDHP/HRA or HSA-Qualified HDHP, by Firm Size, 2013
    7. Exhibit 8.7: HDHP/HRA and HSA-Qualified HDHP Features for Covered Workers, 2013
    8. Exhibit 8.8: Average Annual Premiums and Contributions to Savings Accounts for Covered Workers in HDHP/HRAs or HSA-Qualified HDHPs, Compared to All Non-HDHP/SO Plans, 2013
    9. Exhibit 8.9: Distribution of Covered Workers with the Following General Annual Deductible Amounts for Single Coverage, HSA-Qualified HDHPs and HDHP/HRAs, 2013
    10. Exhibit 8.10: Among Covered Workers, Distribution of Type of General Annual Deductible for Family Coverage, HDHP/HRAs and HSA-Qualified HDHPs, 2013
    11. Exhibit 8.11: Distribution of Covered Workers with the Following Aggregate Family Deductible Amounts, HDHP/HRAs and HSA-Qualified HDHPs, 2013
    12. Exhibit 8.12: Percentage of Covered Workers with Coverage for the Following Services Without Having to First Meet the Deductible, HDHP/HRAs, by Firm Size, 2013
    13. Exhibit 8.13: Percentage of Covered Workers in Partially or Fully Self-Funded HDHP/HRAs and HSA-Qualified HDHPs, 2013
    14. Exhibit 8.14: Distribution of Covered Workers with the Following Annual Employer Contributions to their HRA or HSA, for Single Coverage, 2013
    15. Exhibit 8.15: Distribution of Covered Workers with the Following Annual Employer Contributions to their HRA or HSA, for Family Coverage, 2013
    16. Exhibit 8.16: Distribution of Firm Contributions to the HRA for Single and Family Coverage Relative to the Average Annual Firm Contribution to the HRA, 2013
    17. Exhibit 8.17: Distribution of Firm Contributions to the HSA for Single and Family Coverage Relative to the Average Annual Firm Contribution to the HSA, 2013
    18. Exhibit 8.18: Distribution of Covered Workers in HDHP/HRAs and HSA-Qualified HDHPs with the Following Types of Cost Sharing in Addition to the General Annual Deductible, 2013
    Section Nine: Prescription Drug Benefits
    View Exhibits
    1. Exhibit 9.1: Distribution of Covered Workers Facing Different Cost-Sharing Formulas for Prescription Drug Benefits, 2000-2013
    2. Exhibit 9.2: Distribution of Covered Workers Facing Different Cost-Sharing Formulas for Prescription Drug Benefits, by Plan Type, 2013
    3. Exhibit 9.3: Among Workers with Three, Four, or More Tiers of Cost Sharing, Distribution of Covered Workers with the Following Types of Cost Sharing for Prescription Drugs, by Drug Tier and Plan Type, 2013
    4. Exhibit 9.4: Among Covered Workers with Three, Four, or More Tiers of Prescription Cost Sharing, Average Copayments and Average Coinsurance by Drug Type, 2000-2013
    5. Exhibit 9.5: Among Workers with Two Tiers of Cost Sharing for Prescription Drugs, Distribution of Covered Workers with the Following Types of Cost Sharing for Prescription Drugs, by Drug and Plan Type, 2013
    6. Exhibit 9.6: Among Covered Workers with Two Tiers of Prescription Cost Sharing, Average Copayments and Average Coinsurance, by Drug Type, 2000-2013
    7. Exhibit 9.7: Among Workers with the Same Cost Sharing Regardless of Type of Drug, Distribution of Covered Workers with the Following Types of Cost Sharing for Prescription Drugs, by Plan Type, 2013
    8. Exhibit 9.8: Among Covered Workers with the Same Cost Sharing Regardless of Type of Drug, Average Copayments and Average Coinsurance, 2000-2013
    9. Exhibit 9.9: Distribution of Coinsurance Structures for Covered Workers Facing a Coinsurance for Prescription Drugs, by Drug Tier, 2013
    Section Ten: Plan Funding
    View Exhibits
    1. Exhibit 10.1: Percentage of Covered Workers in Partially or Completely Self-Funded Plans, by Firm Size, 1999-2013
    2. Exhibit 10.2: Percentage of Covered Workers in Partially or Completely Self-Funded Plans, by Firm Size, 1999-2013
    3. Exhibit 10.3: Percentage of Covered Workers in Partially or Completely Self-Funded Plans, by Plan Type, 1999-2013
    4. Exhibit 10.4: Percentage of Covered Workers in Partially or Completely Self-Funded Plans, by Firm Size, Region, and Industry, 2013
    5. Exhibit 10.5: Percentage of Covered Workers in Partially or Completely Self-Funded Plans, by Plan Type and Firm Size, 2013
    6. Exhibit 10.6: Percentage of Covered Workers in Partially or Completely Self-Funded HMO Plans, by Firm Size, 1999-2013
    7. Exhibit 10.7: Percentage of Covered Workers in Partially or Completely Self-Funded PPO Plans, by Firm Size, 1999-2013
    8. Exhibit 10.8: Percentage of Covered Workers in Partially or Completely Self-Funded POS Plans, by Firm Size, 1999-2013
    9. Exhibit 10.9: Percentage of Covered Workers in Partially or Completely Self-Funded HDHP/SOs, by Firm Size, 2006-2013
    10. Exhibit 10.10: Percentage of Covered Workers Enrolled in a Partially or Completely Self-Funded Plan Covered by Stoploss Insurance, by Firm Size, Region, and Industry, 2013
    11. Exhibit 10.11: Prevalence and Average Attachment Points of Stoploss Insurance, by Firm Size and Region, 2013
    12. Exhibit 10.12: Percentage of Covered Workers Enrolled in Partially or Completely Self-Insured Plans which Purchase Different Types of Stoploss Insurance, by Firm Size, 2013
    13. Exhibit 10.13: Among Firms which Purchase Insurance Underwritten By an Insurer, The Percentage of Firms which Plan to Self-Insure because of Any Provision of the Affordable Care Act, by Firm Size and Region, 2013
    Section Twelve: Wellness Programs and Health Risk Assessments
    View Exhibits
    1. Exhibit 12.1: Among Firms Offering Health Benefits, Percentage Offering a Particular Wellness Program to Their Employees, by Firm Size, Region, and Industry, 2013
    2. Exhibit 12.2: Among Firms Offering Health Benefits, Percentage Offering a Particular Wellness Program to Their Employees, by Firm Size, Region, and Industry, 2013
    3. Exhibit 12.3: Among Firms Offering Health Benefits, Percentage Offering a Particular Wellness Program to Their Employees, by Firm Size, 2013
    4. Exhibit 12.4: Among Firms Offering Health Benefits and Wellness Programs, Percentage of Firms with the Following Features of Wellness Benefits, by Firm Size and Region, 2013
    5. Exhibit 12.5: Among Firms Offering Health and Wellness Benefits, Percentage of Firms That Offer Specific Incentives to Employees Who Participate in Wellness Programs, by Firm Size and Region, 2013
    6. Exhibit 12.6: Among Firms Offering Health Benefits, Percentage of Firms That Offer Employees the Opportunity to Complete a Health Risk Assessment, by Firm Size, Region and Industry, 2013
    7. Exhibit 12.7: Among Firms That Offer Health Benefits and Provide Employees the Opportunity to Complete a Health Risk Assessment, The Percentage of Firms who have Incentives and Penalties for Various Employee Actions, by Firm Size, 2013
    8. Exhibit 12.8: Among Firms Offering Health Benefits, Percentage with a Particular Disease Management Program, by Firm Size, Region, and Industry, 2013
    9. Exhibit 12.9: Among Firms Offering Health Benefits, Percentage of Firms with a Particular Disease Management Program, by Firm Size, 2013
    10. Exhibit 12.10: Among Firms Offering Health Benefits and a Disease Management Program for Their Plan with the Largest Enrollment, The Percentage of these Firms Offering Financial Incentives to Participate, by Firm Size, 2013
    11. Exhibit 12.11: Among Firms Offering Health Benefits and Wellness Programs, Percentage Using the Following Strategies to Promote Wellness Programs, by Firm Size, 2013
    12. Exhibit 12.12: Among Firms Offering Health Benefits and Wellness Programs, Percentage of Firms Using the Following Methods to Evaluate Wellness Programs, By Firm Size, 2013
    13. Exhibit 12.13: Among Firms Offering Health Benefits, Importance of Selecting a Plan that Includes a Wellness Program, by Firm Size and Whether Firm Offers Wellness Programs, 2013
    14. Exhibit 12.14: Among Large Firms (200 or More Workers) Offering Health Benefits and Biometric Screenings, the Use of Incentives or Penalties for Various Activities, by Firm Size, 2013
    Section Fourteen: Employer Opinions and Health Plan Practices
    View Exhibits
    1. Exhibit 14.1: Among Firms Offering Health Benefits, Distribution of Firms’ Opinions on the Effectiveness of the Following Strategies to Contain Health Insurance Costs, by Firm Size, 2013
    2. Exhibit 14.2: Among Firms Offering Health Benefits, Percentage of Firms That Shopped For a New Plan or Health Insurance Carrier in the Past Year, by Firm Size, 2013
    3. Exhibit 14.3: Among Firms Offering Health Benefits That Shopped for a New Plan or Insurance Carrier, Percentage Reporting That They Changed Insurance Carriers and Health Plan Type in the Past Year, by Firm Size, 2013
    4. Exhibit 14.4: Among Firms Offering Health Benefits, Percentage of Firms Whose Largest Plan Includes a High-Performance Provider Network, by Firm Size and Region, 2007, 2010, 2011, and 2013
    5. Exhibit 14.5: Percentage of Firms whose Largest Plan Covers Care Received at Retail Clinics and, of Those, Percentage of Firms who Offer a Financial Incentive to do so, by Firm Size, 2013
    6. Exhibit 14.6: Among Large Firms (200 or More Employees) Offering Health Benefits, the Percentage of Firms Considering Offering Benefits Through a Private Exchange, by Firm Size, Region and Industry, 2013
    7. Exhibit 14.7: Among Firms Offering Health Benefits, Percentage of Firms Whose Largest Plan Includes a Nurse Hotline, by Firm Size, Region and Industry, 2013
    8. Exhibit 14.8: Among Firms Offering Health Benefits, Percentage that Use a Broker or Consultant to Assist in Choosing a Health Plan, by Firm Size, 2013

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    The independent source for health policy research, polling, and news, KFF is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, California.