Over the past two decades, Medicaid has played a central and growing role in financing and providing access to family planning services for low-income women. About two-thirds of women covered by Medicaid are of child-bearing age, and for this group of women, access to family planning services fills a key health need.

This report highlights findings from the 2007/2008 State Survey of Reproductive Health Services Under Medicaid, conducted jointly by the Kaiser Family Foundation and George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services.

Although federal law requires state Medicaid programs to cover family planning services and supplies for beneficiaries of child-bearing age, states vary considerably in level of coverage of these services. The report presents state-by-state policies on coverage of key areas in reproductive health for low-income women, including contraception, preconception care, screenings for sexually transmitted diseases and coverage within special state Medicaid family planning programs.

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