Global Financing for Malaria: Trends & Future Status

This report analyzes funding data for malaria control and elimination activities as well as R&D. All data are expressed in current (nominal) US dollars.

Malaria Control and Elimination. Funding data for malaria control and elimination activities were obtained from multiple sources including: the U.S. government; the Global Fund’s grant portfolio database; the WHO’s World Malaria Report 2014; and the OECD DAC Creditor Reporting System (CRS) database.

All funding data for malaria control and elimination activities represent disbursements, with the exception of U.S., which represents enacted funding amounts. A disbursement is the actual release of funds to, or the purchase of goods or services for, a recipient. Enacted amounts represent budgetary decisions that funding will be provided, regardless of the time at which actual outlays, or disbursements, occur. Data attributed to a donor include any earmarked (malaria-designated) amount, including earmarked contributions to multilateral initiatives such as the AMfm. Data do not include un-earmarked, general contributions to multilateral organizations, such as the United Nations or World Bank, which may in turn be used for malaria activities and are therefore attributed to the multilateral organization itself.

U.S. data include funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Department of Defense (DoD) and were obtained from the President’s FY 2015 budget request, Congressional appropriations bills and conference reports, federal agency budget and Congressional Justification (CJ) documents and operational plans, (, and through direct communication with the agencies and confirmed by the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB). All U.S. totals represent funding for the specified fiscal year (the U.S. fiscal year runs from October 1-September 30). U.S. data for 2005 through 2014 are final funding levels. U.S. funding for 2015 was not yet finalized at the time of publication; U.S. data for 2015 are based on the President’s Budget Request.

Global Fund data for 2005 through 2013 were obtained from the Global Fund’s disbursement database ( and represent funding provided during the calendar year (January 1-December 31). Projected funding levels for 2014 through 2016 are based on Global Fund reported planned allocations levels ( It is important to note that actual allocations may differ due to final recipient country allocations across the three diseases.

Data for domestic resources were obtained from the WHO World Malaria Report 2014 (WMR). Domestic resources are based on financing data from national malaria control programmes (NMCPs).

Data were obtained from the OECD CRS database ( for the following donors: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the European Commission (EC), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Bank, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The CRS database is based on the calendar year (January 1-December 31) and includes data through the 2012, the most recent year of available data. With the exception of the U.K., data for 2013-2016 for these donors assumes flat funding (excluding the U.K., these donors together accounted for approximately 7% of total malaria funding in 2012). In the case of the U.K., 2013 totals represent projected increases based on prior trends and official government documents; 2014 and 2015 totals assume flat funding.1,2

Research and Development: Data for R&D were obtained via special data request from Policy Cures, an independent research organization that has been tracking funding for global health research and development activities since 2007. This source was used because it is more comprehensive than the OECD CRS database, which does not include all donor funding for research and development activities, nor does it include funding from the private sector. R&D funding amounts included in this report are presented in nominal dollars and therefore, will not match data presented in Policy Cures’ annual G-FINDER Report and online database, which are presented in real (inflation adjusted) dollars.3

Gates Foundation: Data from the Gates Foundation were obtained through direct communication with the organization and include funding for both malaria control and research and development activities. Data for 2001 through 2008 are based on Gates Foundation internal reporting methodologies, while data for 2009 through 2013 are based on funding amounts reported by the Gates Foundation to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI). Data do not include Gates Foundation’s contributions to the Global Fund which may in turn be used for malaria activities. In addition, data totals cannot be disaggregated into separate malaria control and elimination and R&D amounts, and due to differences in reporting methodologies, are not directly comparable to the data provided by Policy Cures on R&D activities.

Conclusion Appendix

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