News Sources Continue Coverage Of ‘London Patient’ HIV Remission Case, Implications For Research
ABC News: The ‘London Patient’ goes into HIV remission: Here’s what that means for HIV treatment (Haghighat/Kamboj, 3/8).
Financial Times: A disease in remission? New hope in the quest to cure HIV (Cookson, 3/8).
New York Times: Bit by Bit, Scientists Gain Ground on AIDS (McNeil, 3/8).
Rewire.News: A Second Person Is ‘Cured’ of HIV. But What Does That Mean? (Kempner, 3/7).
SciDev.Net: AIDS success ‘unworkable’ for vast majority (Chongwang, 3/7).
USA TODAY: Doctors might have found a cure for HIV. But is it worse than the disease? (O’Donnell/Alltucker, 3/8).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.