More News In Global Health
Reuters: Zambia cholera epidemic continues to slow as number of deaths declines (Mfula, 2/20).
Xinhua News: Zambia seeks more money to contain cholera outbreak (2/21).
Thomson Reuters Foundation: U.N. refugee agency says donors withhold funds until Uganda numbers checked (Biryabarema, 2/20).
U.N. News: Rohingya refugees face immense health needs; U.N. scales up support ahead of monsoon season (2/20).
Xinhua News: WHO calls for more health services for Rohingyas in Bangladesh (2/21).
Xinhua News: Roundup: Mozambique doubles effort to fight malaria in prevalent season (2/21).
Xinhua News: Rwandan gov’t to put more effort into ending child malnutrition (2/21).
Xinhua News: Aid agencies provides assistance to 5.4 mln in South Sudan in 2017: U.N. (2/21).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.