Editorial, Opinion Piece Urge U.S. To Invest In Global Fund
The following editorial and opinion piece address U.S. funding for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, which is holding its replenishment meeting in Washington, D.C., in December and aiming to raise an additional $15 billion over the next three years.
- Eugene Register-Guard: “The United States should set the tone by pledging $5 billion, an amount that would essentially require it to continue its current level of contributions,” the editorial states. “That’s a lot of money, and it’s not unreasonable to ask why the United States should make such a commitment at a time when the federal budget is squeezed on all sides,” the editorial continues, adding, “The answer is simple: Health officials say the fight against these diseases is at a critical crossroads, and any significant cut in funding could unravel hard-won gains.” In addition, advances against the diseases “will reduce the need for future U.S. foreign aid dollars to offset the ravages of these diseases, and will enhance political, economic and social stability in regions hard hit by such diseases, most notably sub-Saharan Africa,” the editorial states (11/16).
- Heather Stein, Durham Herald-Sun: “The U.S. should demonstrate its commitment to ending these diseases by announcing a commitment to $5 billion over the next three years,” Stein, a volunteer with RESULTS, writes, noting, “For every dollar the U.S. puts into the pot, other donors have to put in two dollars.” She continues, “Infectious diseases don’t patiently hang around waiting for opportune moments for us to tackle them. They can and will return with a vengeance if we take the short-sighted approach of ignoring this historic chance to defeat them.” Stein adds, “With a relatively small investment from us, just think of the huge payback we will receive for the health of our global community and future generations” (11/16).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.