Devex: In Yemen, growing caseloads overwhelm international aid groups (Lieberman, 5/24).

Global Health NOW: A New Plan for Mental Illness, the Silent Killer (Simpson, 5/23).

The Lancet: Millions of health-care facilities lack WASH services (Burki, June 2019).

New York Times: 4 Women With Lives Scarred by Genital Cutting: Could a Surgeon Heal Them? (Belluck, 5/24).

NPR: The Philippines Is Fighting One Of The World’s Worst Measles Outbreaks (Beaubien, 5/23).

PRI: For centuries, migrants have been said to pose public health risks. They don’t (5/23).

Quartz Africa: As measles spreads, should African countries issue health travel restrictions for Westerners? (Kimeria, 5/23).

VOA News: Angola’s Record Drought Puts Millions at Food Security Risk (Coroado, 5/24).

Xinhua News: Tibet sees progress in health sector (5/23).

Xinhua News: Roundup: Nigerian gov’t mulls indirect subsidies for toilet construction to end open defecation (5/23).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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