Blog Posts, President’s Malaria Initiative Discuss NYT Article On Malaria Bednet Misuse

Malaria Matters: Insecticide treated nets, a fishy subject
In his blog, Bill Brieger of Johns Hopkins University discusses the New York Times article and writes insecticide-treated net misuse “will persist until national malaria control programs focus less on the total numbers of nets distributed and more on the actual factors that influence net use” (1/26).

New York Times “Times Insider”: African Mosquitoes, Toxic Nets
“The Times’s East Africa bureau chief, Jeffrey Gettleman, wrote on Sunday about one of the continent’s biggest recent public health campaigns — and its surprising unintended consequences. He explains his personal experience with mosquito nets and provides insight, and empathy, into inadvertent trouble that results from mosquito nets intended to defend against malaria…” (1/26).

President’s Malaria Initiative: PMI Statement on Misuse of Bednets
Referencing the New York Times article, the statement notes, “The U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) has a shared concern about the use of any long-lasting insecticide-treated mosquito net (LLIN) for anything other than their intended purpose of protection from malaria. … While the extent of LLIN misuse for fishing is unknown, the examples of misuse outlined in the article are of real concern and clearly driven by economics and food security concerns within these communities near bodies of water” (1/24).

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