AIDS 2014 Presents Opportunity To Showcase, Learn From Australia’s Inclusive AIDS Response Model
“It has been a fascinating week in Australia planning for the AIDS 2014 conference and one of the highlights has certainly been attending this year’s annual Australasian HIV/AIDS conference in sultry Darwin,” International AIDS Society Executive Director Bertrand Audoin writes in the Huffington Post U.K.’s “Lifestyle” blog. “AIDS 2014, from all the discussions here, will be an opportunity to showcase how an inclusive national response to the epidemic, with a strong focus on the best science, and a strong focus on fighting stigma and discrimination, can lead to good positive results,” he states. “With AIDS 2014 being the last International AIDS Conference before the United Nations’ post-MDG plans push us to integrate HIV programs into global health programs, we need to learn from the Australian model here and make sure we do in fact incorporate sexual health and other global health issues such as non-communicable diseases, health system strengthening, law reform and global stigma and human rights, into an AIDS conference that will be even more meaningful and stay relevant as it reflects a multitude of new voices from outside of the sector,” he concludes (10/29).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.