President Obama’s Campaign Position on Health Reform and Other Health Care Issues November 1, 2008 Issue Brief During the 2008 Presidential campaign now President Barack Obama announced a comprehensive health care reform proposal and laid out his positions on a number of other key health care issues. The two documents below summarize these campaign policies and positions. They were prepared by the Kaiser Family Foundation with the…
Primers on Key Health Care Topics and Programs December 1, 2008 Issue Brief The Kaiser Family Foundation maintains a number of primers providing overviews of key health care programs and issues. Written by Foundation staff, each primer provides key data and information that helps illustrate the topic and its relevance for the nation’s health care system. Medicaid: A Primer Medicare: A Primer The…
Health Affairs Article: Medicaid Expansion Under Health Reform May Increase Service Use and Improve Access For Low-Income Adults With Diabetes January 1, 2012 Issue Brief This analysis finds that Medicaid’s role in financing diabetes care will grow when many low-income uninsured people with diabetes become eligible for Medicaid as the program expansions under the Affordable Care Act in 2014. Adult Medicaid beneficiaries with diabetes had annual per person health expenditures more than three times higher…
8 Questions & Answers about Puerto Rico September 26, 2016 Fact Sheet These slides provide a quick snapshot of Puerto Rico’s population, as well as current and upcoming issues that are impacting the island’s health care system.
8 Preguntas & Respuestas sobre Puerto Rico June 17, 2016 Fact Sheet La crisis de $73 mil millones de Puerto Rico ha sido tema de los medios de comunicación nacionales, y de debate en el Congreso en los últimos meses. Además, varios de los principales medios de prensa han reportado sobre una inminente crisis de la atención de salud relacionada con cuestiones…
Visualizing Health Policy: Barriers to Care Experienced by Women in the United States June 11, 2019 Infographic This Visualizing Health Policy infographic, produced in partnership with the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), looks at barriers to care experienced by women in the United States.
Web Briefing for Journalists: Marketplace Open Enrollment in the Trump Era October 18, 2017 Event With the Trump administration’s announcements last week, the landscape around Affordable Care Act marketplaces and the open enrollment period beginning Nov. 1 continues to shift. Though the 2010 health law remains intact for now, consumers will see fundamental differences this year when it comes to signing up for 2018 marketplace…
Analysis Estimates 1 in 4 Employers Offering Health Benefits Could Be Affected by the ‘Cadillac Tax’ in 2018 if Current Trends Continue August 25, 2015 News Release Share of Potentially-Affected Employers Could Grow to 30% in 2023, 42% in 2028, Analysis Finds New projections from the Kaiser Family Foundation estimate that one in four employers (26%) offering health benefits could be subject to the Affordable Care Act’s tax on high-cost health plans, also known as the “Cadillac…
Another Year of Record ACA Marketplace Signups, Driven in Part by Medicaid Unwinding and Enhanced Subsidies January 24, 2024 Blog Open enrollment for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplaces is about to wrap up with another record high number of people signing up for coverage. Factors that contribute to this increase include unwinding of the Medicaid continuous enrollment, increased subsidies from the American Rescue Plan and Inflation Reduction Act, and increased marketing, outreach, and enrollment assistance.
Has Marriage Equality for LGBTQ People Impacted Access to Domestic Partner Health Benefits? October 26, 2023 Issue Brief In this data note, based on KFF’s 2023 Employer Health Benefit Survey, we assess the current status of domestic partner health insurance benefit offerings for same-sex spouses.