Uniform Coverage Summaries for Consumers October 1, 2011 Issue Brief This brief explains the proposed federal rule that requires private health plans to provide a short, easy-to-read uniform summary of benefits and coverage to all health insurance applicants and enrollees. The rule, which implements a provision in the Affordable Care Act (ACA), is intended to make it simpler for consumers…
Connecting Eligible Immigrant Families to Health Coverage and Care: Key Lessons from Outreach and Enrollment Workers October 1, 2011 Issue Brief Beginning in 2014, health coverage options will significantly expand under health reform through an expansion in Medicaid eligibility and by making tax credits available to help individuals purchase coverage through new Health Benefit Exchanges. Given their high uninsured rate and limited access to private and public coverage, one group who…
Financial Alignment Models for Dual Eligibles: An Update November 1, 2011 Issue Brief The nearly nine million dual eligibles who receive both Medicare and Medicaid benefits are a high cost, high need population, accounting for a disproportionate share of expenditures relative to their enrollment in both programs. In April 2011, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the award of design…
Key Issues to Consider for Outreach and Enrollment Efforts under Health Reform February 1, 2012 Issue Brief The Affordable Care Act will significantly expand health coverage opportunities through an expansion in Medicaid and the creation of new health insurance exchanges in 2014. Effective outreach and enrollment efforts will be vital for assuring the expansions translate into increased coverage. Based on a discussion with federal and state officials…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — April 2012 April 1, 2012 Poll Finding The April poll gauged Americans’ opinions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the wake of the Supreme Court oral arguments in the legal challenges to the health reform law in March. The increased public attention to the Affordable Care Act generated by the Supreme Court’s consideration of the law…
Articles Examine Data and Issues For Expanding Integrated Care Models For Dual-Eligible Beneficiaries June 1, 2012 Report As state and federal policymakers move to develop and test integrated care models for people dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, two new Kaiser Family Foundation articles in the June 2012 issue of Health Affairs highlight the diverse needs and challenges facing these 9 million beneficiaries, describe their current care…
Health Insurance Market Reforms: Guaranteed Issue June 2, 2012 Fact Sheet Guaranteed issue laws require insurance companies to issue a health plan to any applicant – an individual or a group – regardless of the applicant’s health status or other factors. Currently, in most states, insurance companies can deny nongroup coverage to people based on their health status or their medical…
Medicaid Managed Long-Term Services and Supports: Are More Caution and Oversight Needed? August 3, 2012 Event The Alliance for Health Reform and AARP sponsor an August 3rd briefing to discuss who is being served by Medicaid managed care, how enrollment is determined, and whether sufficient oversight of the programs exist. Speakers will explore such questions as: Does Medicaid managed care cover a full range of long-term…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: August 2012 August 31, 2012 Poll Finding This poll, conducted as the GOP prepares for its national convention, finds that the Affordable Care Act is not the top health care priority among Republicans. While jobs are still the number one issue for Republicans, when asked about the health care issues that will impact their vote this fall,…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: September 2012 September 1, 2012 Poll Finding The September poll finds with the November election fast-approaching, Medicare trails only the economy and the federal budget deficit as key priorities for voters, and interest in the federal health program is even higher among seniors. More than a third (36%) of Americans say Medicare is “extremely” important to their…