The Commercialization of Covid Vaccines Is Coming. Here’s What It Means.

In this commentary for Barron’s, KFF’s Cynthia Cox and Jennifer Kates explore what will happen with costs to COVID-19 vaccines for people with and without insurance once the relevant public health emergency ends on May 11.

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Medicaid as a Potential New Third Rail of US Politics

In this JAMA Forum column, KFF’s Larry Levitt examines Medicaid’s growing political importance and the potential double whammy that could hit state Medicaid programs next year with the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency and a possible simultaneous recession.

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The Inflation Reduction Act is a Foot in the Door for Containing Health Care Costs

In this column for the JAMA Forum, KFF’s Larry Levitt explores the Medicare drug-price negotiation provisions and other significant drug-price changes in the Inflation Reduction Act and their potential to lead to further efforts to address health care costs.

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The Biggest Health Care Reform in a Decade Could Lower Your Costs

Larry Levitt writes about the political and practical impact of the health care provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act  in The New York Times guest essay, “The Biggest Health Care Reform in a Decade Could Lower Your Costs.” 

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The Uncertain Future of Policies to Promote Access and Affordability Put in Place During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In this column for the JAMA Health Forum, Larry Levitt highlights four changes implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic that helped to make health care more accessible and affordable and the prospects for those changes to telehealth, COVID-19 coverage, Medicaid and marketplace premiums continuing beyond the pandemic’s end.

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How Can We Put COVID Behind Us Without Guaranteed Paid Sick Leave?

KHN’s Céline Gounder and KFF’s Mollyann Brodie look at the challenges in returning to normal life after the COVID-19 pandemic when many Americans, particularly people of color and workers with low incomes, do not have paid sick leave.

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The independent source for health policy research, polling, and news, KFF is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, California.