loveLife Photo Gallery: Y-Centres, loveTrain, Former Presidents Clinton and Mandela
loveLife: The Foundation’s Largest Initiative Ever Aims To Curb HIV Infection Among South African Youth
loveLife’s Y-Centres
The Radio Studio at the Hibberdene Y-Center in Kwa-Zulu Natal. The loveLife Y-Centres are multi-purpose facilities for young people, providing a range of entertainment, sports and educational opportunities.”
Learn more about the Y-Centres…
The work of loveLife is supported by the loveTrain a sexual health education center and clinic on rails and the loveTours a mobile radio broadcast unit.
Learn more about the loveTrain…
Former Presidents Clinton and Mandela Appeal for Increased Effort to Combat HIV Infection Among Young People
Two of the world’s most prominent elder statesmen have made a joint appearance in support of loveLife, South Africa’s national HIV prevention program for youth, hailing loveLife as the model for HIV prevention among youth globally.