Email This Page
function charExists(haystack, needle){iPos = haystack.indexOf(needle);if (iPos == -1)return false;elsereturn true;}function IsEmail(stEmail, desc){var iAtPos, iDotPos;// validate email addressiLength = stEmail.length;if (iLength == 0){alert(“Please provide a ‘” + desc + “‘ email address.”);return false;}else{// invalid characters checkif (charExists(stEmail, ” “) charExists(stEmail, “/”) charExists(stEmail, “:”) charExists(stEmail, “,”) charExists(stEmail, “;”)) {alert(“You have entered an invalid ‘” + desc + “‘ email address. Your email address must not contain any empty spaces or invalid characters (/ : , ;).”);return false;}// @ checkiAtPos = stEmail.indexOf(“@”);if (iAtPos == -1){alert(“You have entered an invalid ‘” + desc + “‘ email address. Please make sure your email address contains an ‘@’ symbol.”);return false;}if (iAtPos == 0){alert(“You have entered an invalid ‘” + desc + “‘ email address. Please make sure your email address does not begin with an ‘@’ symbol.”);return false;}// multiple @ checkiAtPos2 = stEmail.lastIndexOf(“@”);if (iAtPos != iAtPos2){alert(“You have entered an invalid ‘” + desc + “‘ email address. Please make sure your email address has one ‘@’ symbol.”);return false;}// period checkiDotPos = stEmail.lastIndexOf(“.”);if ((iDotPos == -1) (iDotPos <= (iAtPos + 1))){alert("You have entered an invalid '" + desc + "' email address. Please make sure your email address has at least one '.' after the '@' symbol.");return false;}// suffix checkiPosDiff = (iLength – iDotPos);if (iPosDiff < 3){alert("You have entered an invalid '" + desc + "' email address. Please make sure there are at least two letters after the '.' in your email address.");return false;}}return true;}function ProcessForm(frmThis){var valList = frmThis.to_email.value;val = valList.split(",");for (i=0;i<val.length;i++) {var tempVal = trim(val[i]);if (!IsEmail(tempVal, "To")) {fromThis.to_email.focus();return false;}}val = frmThis.from_email.value;if (!IsEmail(val, "From")){frmThis.from_email.focus();return false;}val = frmThis.subject.value;if (val == ""){alert("Please enter a subject.");frmThis.subject.focus();return false;}return true;}function SubmitForm(frmThis){if (ProcessForm(frmThis))frmThis.submit();}function ClearField(txtThis){val = txtThis.value;if ((val == "Recipient's Email Address") (val == "Your Email Address") (val == "Enter message"))txtThis.value = "";}function trim(strText) { // this will get rid of leading spaces while (strText.substring(0,1) == ' ') strText = strText.substring(1, strText.length); // this will get rid of trailing spaces while (strText.substring(strText.length-1,strText.length) == ' ') strText = strText.substring(0, strText.length-1); return strText;}