California Health Care Chartbook: Section 7: The Changing Health Care Marketplace
California Health Care Chartbook: Key Data and Trends
Section 7: The Changing Health Care Marketplace
The following exhibits can be found in the above PDF.
HMOs and Hospitals
Exhibit 7.1aPercent of the Population in HMOs in California and the United States, July 2002Exhibit 7.1bHMO Penetration Rates for California Counties, March 2003Exhibit 7.1cStates with Highest and Lowest Shares of the Population in HMOs, July 2002Exhibit 7.1dEnrollment in the Five Largest HMOs in California, July 2002Exhibit 7.2aCommunity Hospital Beds Per 100,000 Population, California and the United States, 1985-2001Exhibit 7.2bDistribution of Community Hospitals by Ownership Type, California and the United States, 1989 and 2001Exhibit 7.2cCommunity Hospital Admissions and Emergency Room Visits Per 1,000 Population, California and the United States, 2001Exhibit 7.2dCommunity Hospital Adjusted Expenses Per Inpatient Day, California and the United States, 1999-2001
Nursing Homes, Providers, and Prescription Drugs Exhibit 7.3aNumber of Residents, Facilities, Beds, and Occupancy Rates in Certified Nursing Facilities, California, 1995-2002Exhibit 7.3bNursing Facilities by Ownership Type and Payer Source, California and the United States, 2002Exhibit 7.4aNon-Federal Physicians Per 100,000 Civilian Population, California and the United States, 1975-2002Exhibit 7.4bMean Physician Net Income, California and the United States, 1994 and 2000Exhibit 7.4cMean Physician Net Income for Primary Care and Specialist Physicians, California and the United States, 1997 and 2000Exhibit 7.4dSources of Physician Practice Revenue, California and United States, 1999Exhibit 7.5Registered Nurses Per 10,000 Population, California and the United States, 1999-2001Exhibit 7.6Health Care Personnel, California and the United StatesExhibit 7.7Prescription Drug Use, Sales, and Prices, California and the United States, 2002