Media sources report on the WHO’s launch of two initiatives that aim to develop more rapid and safe Ebola diagnostic tests, which the agency says are urgently needed in West Africa.

Reuters: WHO seeks swifter Ebola test to help stamp out epidemic
“The World Health Organization is seeking faster and cheaper tests to detect the Ebola virus to help stamp out the last few cases of the deadly fever once the main epidemic has been tackled, WHO officials said on Tuesday…” (Miles, 11/18).

WHO: Urgently needed: rapid, sensitive, safe and simple Ebola diagnostic tests
“…Efforts to contain the Ebola outbreaks in West Africa are currently hampered by cumbersome, slow, and complex diagnostic tests that impose a number of additional logistical challenges, including requirements for a high level of laboratory biosafety and staff expertise in using sophisticated machines. … For all these reasons, WHO has launched two urgent initiatives to stimulate diagnostic innovation and expedite the delivery of better and faster tests to West African countries — compressed into months instead of years…” (11/18).

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