USAID Head Green Expresses Anger Over Poor Performance Of Health Supply Chain Project; Steps Being Taken To Improve Outcomes, Chemonics Says
Devex: Exclusive: USAID chief ‘angry’ about agency’s largest health project
“In response to a Devex report, U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator Mark Green said he is ‘angry’ that USAID’s largest-ever contract, a health supply chain project that coordinates lifesaving commodities, is performing well below expectations — and that it has increased his resolve to review how the agency spends its money. … ‘I’ll be watching very closely. I know that steps have already been taken, but we’re going to watch this like a hawk’…” (Igoe, 8/28).
Devex: Chemonics acknowledges ‘challenges’ with supply chain project, cites ‘proactive steps’
“…Chemonics International, the project implementer, responded in an online post that acknowledged ‘challenges’ and described steps the company has taken to improve performance. Chemonics undertook a ‘foundational change,’ by restructuring ‘how the project itself functioned from a management perspective,’ according to a statement on the company’s website, which was posted on Friday. The USAID implementing partner also worked to prevent stock outs by working with other donors to ‘bridge gaps’ in the supply chain process…” (Igoe, 8/29).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.