The Guardian examines the recent U.S. commitment to continue support for the development of Nigeria’s health and education sector by Anne Fleuret, Nigeria’s acting mission director of USAID. At the conclusion of two USAID-funded projects in Nigeria, Fleuret said the HIV/AIDS programs were created six years ago “to empower communities.” She added, “We envisioned so many things and we have substantially achieved that vision. We have provided support from the community level to the legislative level.”

According to the Guardian, one of the programs supported the creation of a staff “who created public-private partnerships to leverage funds from the private sector to expand HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and care and support activities.” The other supported the delivery of “high quality services in health and basic education … in 51 Local Government Areas in five states: Bauchi, Nassarawa, Lagos, Abuja and Kano.”

“About 40 new policies have been developed; over 8,000 health workers and 25,000 teachers trained; more than 100 health facilities upgraded; and over N4.6 billion leveraged as cost share funds,” Flueret said, adding, “We are committed to continue to work with Nigeria to improve health and education outcomes” (Muanya, Guardian, 6/18).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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