President Trump Releases FY 2019 Budget Request, Includes Proposed Cuts To State Department, USAID

CNN: Trump admin wants to slash funding for diplomacy
“The Trump administration is proposing sharp cuts to the budget for international diplomacy and aid in 2019, in line with a determination to boost spending on the military and cut it elsewhere. … Anticipating the cuts, 151 retired three- and four-star generals wrote congressional leaders from both parties on Friday urging them to ‘ensure a responsible commitment of resources’ that keeps pace with the growing threats the U.S. faces. ‘We must not undercut our nation’s ability to lead around the world in such turbulent times,’ the generals wrote. … Last year, Congress largely ignored the administration’s request for cuts, with many lawmakers voicing concerns similar to the generals’…” (Gaouette, 2/12).

Politico: Lawmakers promise bipartisan ‘no’ to Trump plan for cutting diplomacy and aid money
“…The White House on Monday proposed allocating $41.7 billion for the International Affairs Budget in fiscal 2019, a category that includes the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development. That’s a 30 percent cut from the fiscal 2017 enacted level of $59.6 billion, according to an analysis of the proposal by the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition. Trump sought similar cuts in his budget proposal last year, shortly after taking office, saying he’d prefer to direct the money to the Pentagon. But he faced stiff bipartisan resistance in Congress then, as he is now…” (Toosi, 2/12).

Vox: Trump wants to gut the State Department by 25 percent. You read that right.
“…Combined with the administration’s proposed increase in military spending, the budget vividly illustrates that Trump sees military force — and not diplomacy — as the most effective way of preventing conflicts and advancing America’s national security interests. … The Trump budget proposal takes aim at many different programs at the State Department that many defense and diplomacy experts from across the political spectrum consider essential to promoting American interests…” (Aleem, 2/12).

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