PBS NewsHour on Monday aired the second installment in its “Food for 9 Billion” series, in which “Sam Eaton of Homelands Productions goes to the fishing village of Humay-Humay” in the Philippines and “speaks with families about their concerns that future generations won’t enjoy the same access to fish as a food staple and way of life,” the PBS NewsHour blog “The Rundown” reports. The video report looks at how “one organization is making birth control more readily accessible to those wishing to keep their families small,” according to the blog.

“Food for 9 Billion” “is a multi-platform media project examining the challenge of feeding the world at a time of rapid social and environmental change” and “is a collaboration with Homelands Productions, the Center for Investigative Reporting, American Public Media’s ‘Marketplace’ and the PBS NewsHour,” the news service writes (Epatko, 1/23).

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