Deseret News: John Hoffmire: Making toilets ‘cool’ needs to be major health priority in India
John Hoffmire, director of the Impact Bond Fund at the Saïd Business School at Oxford University, director of the Center on Business and Poverty at the Wisconsin School of Business at UW-Madison, and chair of Progress Through Business

“…In order to convince more people (particularly men) to use the toilet, the toilet needs to become more than a convenience — it needs to become ‘cool.’ This will require more than providing facts and figures to the public. … Improving India’s sanitation practices is a major health priority since India accounts for half of the world’s population who don’t use toilets. This problem cannot be solved by infrastructure changes alone and will require a dramatic change in attitude towards the toilet. In order for India to succeed with this challenge, making the toilet ‘cool’ is a necessity” (9/21).

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