‘All Countries Stand To Benefit From Climate Action’
Inter Press Service: A Climate Summit to Spark Action
Ban Ki-moon, U.N. secretary general
“On Sep. 23, I have invited world leaders from government, business, finance, and civil society to a Climate Summit in New York so they can show the world how they will advance action on climate change and move towards a meaningful universal new agreement next year at the December climate negotiations in Paris. … All countries stand to benefit from climate action — cleaner, healthier air; more productive, climate-resilient agriculture; well-managed forests for water and energy security; and better designed, more livable urban areas. Instead of asking if we can afford to act, we should be asking what is stopping us, who is stopping us, and why? Let us join forces to push back against skeptics and entrenched interests. Let us support the scientists, economists, entrepreneurs and investors who can persuade government leaders and policymakers that now is the time for climate action. Change is in the air…” (9/17).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.