What is the survey about?
The purpose of this annual survey is to provide a detailed look at trends in employer-sponsored health coverage including premiums, employee contributions, cost-sharing provisions, and employer opinions.
How do I participate?
Davis Research, a professional research firm, will call your firm to conduct the survey beginning in January. They will ask to speak to the individual who is most knowledgeable about your firm’s health benefit plans. You may also schedule your telephone interview online here: https://calendly.com/employerinterview/the-kff-employer-health-benefits-survey .
Please contact Davis Research directly if you have scheduling questions or would like to request an appointment time that is not on the online calendar ((415) 633-6296 or Employersurvey@davisresearch.com).
You may also take the survey online here: kffemployersurvey.com
What do I get for participating?
We know that your time is limited and valuable. As a token of our appreciation, we will send you a printed copy of the survey results later this year. The report is a handy tool for determining whether firms similar to yours offer coverage, how much it costs, and how much workers pay for premiums.
How should I prepare for the survey?
Please review the mailing or email that was sent to your firm, or review our checklist here. It contains the letter inviting you to participate as well as a checklist outlining some specific topics that will be asked about your firm. It is also helpful to have copies of the plan documents on-hand during the survey.
The checklist says you will ask about wellness programs, but our firm does not have one. What should I do?
If a question is not applicable to your firm, it will not be asked.
What if there is a question I cannot answer?
If there is a question you cannot or would rather not answer, the interviewer will skip it.
What are the different types of health plans?
The common types of health insurance plans, health savings options, and other terms that we will ask about are defined here.
My firm does not offer health benefits. Should I still participate?
Yes. Even if your firm does not offer health benefits, we are still interested in your responses and encourage you to complete the survey.
Is it mandatory that I participate in the survey?
No. Your participation in this survey is voluntary.
Who can I contact if I have questions about participating in the survey?
Please contact Aubrey Winger, at aubreyw@kff.org or (202) 654-1360.
Will anyone contact me as a result of participating in the survey?
No, your firm’s information will not be shared with outside parties and nobody will contact you as a result of this survey. All information is reported in a way which protects respondents’ identities.
Will my firm’s information be used for sales or marketing purposes?
No, your firm’s information and identity will be held strictly confidential, will not be used for sales or marketing, and will not be shared with outside parties.
Do you report information about my firm or my responses to the government?
No. Your firm’s information and responses are strictly confidential and will not be shared with outside parties, including the government.
Are you trying to sell me health insurance or any other product?
No, we are not selling anything. We are conducting a survey about job-based health benefits for KFF, a nonprofit health care research institute.
Is KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation) part of Kaiser Permanente?
No; KFF is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente or any insurance company. KFF is a nonprofit, nonpartisan health care research institute independent of provider or political interests. KFF strives to provide trusted information on a range of health policy issues.
How is KFF funded?
KFF operates primarily with funds earned from managing its own endowment, augmented by support from external funders who will not in any way compromise our independence or mission. Read more about KFF’s funding.
I participated in the California Employer Health Benefits Survey in the past. What changed?
The KFF Employer Health Benefits Survey is a national survey with similar methods to the California Employer Health Benefits Survey. Your answers will help inform national level data on employer practices.
This year, the KFF Employer Health Benefits Survey is conducting a California supplement in partnership with the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF). If your firm has employees located in California, you will be asked a few additional questions about your California-specific plans.
How can I see the final results of the survey?
The survey report will be available online in the fall at ehbs.kff.org. As a small token of our appreciation, a printed copy will be mailed to your firm (unless you elect not to receive a copy) at the end of the year.
Where can I find more details about the survey design and methods you use to analyze the data?
Please see our methods section to learn how we design our survey sample, define key terms and categories, analyze the data, and more.
Where can I find results from previous years’ surveys?
Employer Health Benefits Surveys dating back to 1998 are available here.