In The News

AIDS-Free Generation Within Reach If World Scales Up Treatment, Clinton Says

The Guardian: AIDS-free generation within reach if we boost HIV treatment, says Bill Clinton
“The world needs to ‘scale up’ its treatment of HIV — particularly in women and children — to achieve the cherished goal of a generation free of AIDS, the former U.S. president Bill Clinton has said…” (Davey, 7/23).

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Ending AIDS Proposed As Goal In Post-2015 Development Agenda

Thomson Reuters Foundation: U.N. working group wants goal of ending AIDS epidemic by 2030 — UNDP
“Ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 is one of the goals proposed to replace U.N. development targets that expire next year, the head of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) said on Tuesday…” (Nguyen, 7/22).

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Lancet Series Examines HIV Prevention Among Sex Workers

News outlets discuss findings of a new series of articles in The Lancet on HIV and sex workers, which was first presented at the 20th International AIDS Conference in Melbourne, Australia.

VOA News: Sex Workers Seek HIV Prevention
“A new series in the medical journal The Lancet says achieving an AIDS-free generation will not be possible unless the human rights of sex workers are recognized. Researchers say sex workers face violence and discrimination and are not able to access the care, treatment, and prevention measures they need…” (DeCapua, 7/22).

Washington Post: Decriminalization of sex work could reduce HIV infections
“The decriminalization of sex work could significantly decrease global HIV infections among female sex workers, leading to a reduction of at least a third in three countries examined by researchers, according to a new study…” (Hogan, 7/21).

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Cameron Calls For Worldwide Ban On FGM, Child Marriage At Girl Summit

News outlets discuss the Girl Summit in London and report on British Prime Minister David Cameron’s call for a ban on female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage.

Agence France-Presse: Worldwide FGM ban sought at ‘Girl Summit’
“Prime Minister David Cameron called on Tuesday for a worldwide ban on female genital mutilation and child marriage as he launched the first U.N.-backed ‘Girl Summit’ on issues that affect millions around the globe…” (Kemp, 7/23).

The Guardian: Somalia, Guinea, Djibouti, Egypt, and Sierra Leone have highest FGM rates
“Girls in parts of the global south continue to be married young, with more than half of girls in the least developed countries wed before their 18th birthday. The prevalence of female genital mutilation (FGM) also remains high, with more than 90 percent of women in Somalia, Guinea, Djibouti, Egypt, and Sierra Leone undergoing the procedure…” (Anderson, 7/22).

New York Times: Britain Moves to Fortify Law to Protect Girls
“Parents in Britain who subject their daughters to genital mutilation will be prosecuted, Prime Minister David Cameron announced Tuesday, a day after new research showed that the number of victims of the practice here is about twice as high as previously believed…” (Bennhold, 7/22).

Reuters: Britain plans new laws to prevent female genital mutilation
“Britain will introduce new laws to combat female genital mutilation (FGM) including making it compulsory for teachers and health workers to report cases, Prime Minister David Cameron said on Tuesday…” (MacLellan/Batha, 7/23).

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Congress Considering Measures To Help Electrify Africa

Inter Press Service: U.S. Debating “Historic” Support for Off-Grid Electricity in Africa
“Pressure is building [in Washington, D.C.,] for lawmakers to pass a bill that would funnel billions of dollars of U.S. investment into strengthening Africa’s electricity production and distribution capabilities, and could offer broad new support for off-grid opportunities…” (Biron, 7/21).

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New Digital Initiative Aims To Improve Maternal, Child Health, Nutrition In Africa

VOA News: African Moms Go Digital for Better Healthcare
“A new initiative that aims to improve maternal and child health and nutrition in sub-Saharan Africa is being launched in September 2014 using digital technology…” (Lewis, 7/21).

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U.N. Scales Up Humanitarian Aid Drops By Air Amid Multiple Refugee Crises

News outlets report on the refugee crises in South Sudan, Lebanon, Syria, and Central African Republic, noting the U.N. is stepping up air delivery of humanitarian assistance.

Christian Science Monitor: U.N. refugees in S. Sudan face perfect storm of woe as war drags on (+video)
“When war broke out in South Sudan last December, the United Nations opened its bases to civilians fleeing the violence. That policy has saved tens if not hundreds of thousands of lives, and today more than 100,000 people shelter under peacekeepers’ protection. But the U.N. bases are not meant to house large populations for long periods of time — and seven months later, the camps are proving untenable…” (Patinkin, 7/22).

Inter Press Service: Food Insecurity a New Threat for Lebanon’s Syrian Refugees
“A declining economy and a severe drought have raised concerns in Lebanon over food security as the country faces one of its worst refugee crises, resulting from the nearby Syria war, and it is these refugees and impoverished Lebanese border populations that are most vulnerable to this new threat…” (Alami, 7/22).

U.N. News Centre: U.N. agency renews call on donors to support Central African Republic refugees
“The United Nations refugee agency [Tuesday] called on donors to increase funding for programs in neighboring countries hosting refugees from the Central African Republic (CAR)…” (7/22).

U.N. News Centre: Amid multiple crises, U.N. agency massively scales up humanitarian aid delivery by air
“The escalation of international conflicts in the first half of 2014 prompted a 50-fold surge in the amount of humanitarian cargo transported by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), compared to the same period last year…” (7/22).

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U.N. Takes Measures To Curb Polio Spread In Middle East

News outlets report on U.N. efforts to curb the spread of polio in the Middle East region.

Reuters: Polio still threatens Middle East after Syria, Iraq cases: U.N.
“Thirty-six children in Syria and two in Iraq have been paralyzed by polio since October, and the risk of the virus spreading further in the Middle East remains high, U.N. aid agencies said on Tuesday…” (Nebehay, 7/22).

U.N. News Centre: Urgent action needed to protect children against polio in Syria, Iraq, and region — U.N.
“Having just completed the first phase of the biggest polio vaccination campaign ever undertaken in the Middle East, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) [Tuesday] warned that unless children in hard-to-reach areas are also vaccinated, the number of those infected will continue to rise…” (7/22).

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Sierra Leone's Chief Ebola Doctor Catches Virus

News outlets continue coverage on the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Reuters: Sierra Leone’s chief Ebola doctor contracts the virus
“The head doctor fighting the deadly tropical virus Ebola in Sierra Leone has himself caught the disease, the government said…” (7/23).

VOA News: Sierra Leone’s Chief Ebola Doctor Contracts Virus
“…The 39-year-old Sheik Umar Khan, … a Sierra Leonean virologist credited with treating more than 100 Ebola victims, has been transferred to a treatment ward run by medical charity Médecins Sans Frontières, according to the statement released late on Tuesday by the president’s office…” (7/23).

NPR: Ebola Is A Deadly Virus — But Doctors Say It Can Be Beaten
“…[T]here are signs of hope [in overcoming Ebola]: changes taking place that could be key to stopping the West African outbreak that began in March and has so far seen 1,032 cases in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, with more than 600 deaths…” (Beaubien, 7/22).

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Officials Seal Off Chinese City After Bubonic Plague Death

News outlets report on a Chinese city that has been sealed off after one man died of bubonic plague.

Agence France-Presse/The Guardian: Chinese city sealed off after bubonic plague death
“A Chinese city has been sealed off and 151 people have been placed in quarantine since last week after a man died of bubonic plague, state media said…” (7/22).

Reuters: Parts of Chinese city in quarantine after plague death: Xinhua
“…A 38-year-old victim was infected by a marmot, a wild rodent, and died on July 16. Several districts of the city of about 100,000 people in Gansu province were subsequently turned into special quarantine zones, Xinhua said…” (7/22).

Wall Street Journal: Chinese City Locked Down After Brief Appearance of Black Death Plague
“…Some 151 people who were in close contact with the man are under quarantine at a branch of Yumen City People’s Hospital, although so far these people haven’t shown abnormal symptoms, according to the report…” (Deng, 7/23).

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25% Of C. American HIV-Positive Women Being Pressured Into Sterilization, Study Shows

Thomson Reuters Foundation: One in four HIV-positive women in Central America pressured to sterilize — study
“HIV-positive women in Central America are being pressured to undergo sterilization by prejudiced health workers and misled about the risk of the virus being transmitted to their unborn children, a study showed…” (Nguyen, 7/23).

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U.N. Warns Shrinking Number Of Girls In India Reaches 'Emergency Proportions'

Reuters: India faces crisis over dwindling numbers of girls, U.N. says
“The dwindling numbers of Indian girls, caused by the illegal abortion of millions of babies, has reached ’emergency proportions,’ fueling an increase in crimes such as kidnapping and trafficking, the United Nations warned on Tuesday…” (Bhalla, 7/22).

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Editorials and Opinions

Solutions Needed To Create More Pharmaceutical Innovation Leading To Accessible Drugs

New York Times: A Dearth in Innovation for Key Drugs
Eduardo Porter, New York Times columnist

“…Antibiotics face a daunting proposition. They are not only becoming more difficult to develop, but they are also not obviously profitable. … Research on new antibiotics could be encouraged by allowing shorter clinical trials for the promising molecules or guaranteeing minimum returns for groundbreaking drugs. … At the same time, new mechanisms are needed to constrain prices…” (7/22).

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From the Global Health Policy Community

Blog Highlights News From AIDS 2014

The Center for Global Health Policy’s “Science Speaks” is live-blogging this week from the AIDS 2014 conference in Melbourne, Australia.

Science Speaks: AIDS 2014: Bill Clinton Addresses International AIDS Conference Delegates
“Former U.S. President Bill Clinton stirred the crowd here in Melbourne [Wednesday] with a talk that evoked memories and grief about the HIV leaders lost on Flight MH 17, outlined AIDS response successes including the work of his foundation, spotlighted country successes and expressed hope that the goal of an AIDS-free generation could be realized…” (Lubinski, 7/23).

Science Speaks: AIDS 2014: The Lancet Launches Special Issue on HIV and Sex Work
“A remarkable and unprecedented collaboration between scientists and community leaders, the special issue of The Lancet on HIV and sex workers was launched at a special symposium in Melbourne on Tuesday…” (Lubinski, 7/23).

Science Speaks: AIDS 2014: TB HIV goals closer to rhetoric than reality, report released here shows
The blog discusses a report from the ACTION global health advocacy partnership titled, “From Rhetoric to Reality: An Analysis of Donor and Implementing Country Efforts to Scale Up the TB-HIV Response” (7/22).

Science Speaks: AIDS 2014: Harm reduction and drug policy — no one left behind
The blog discusses Wednesday’s plenary session, which addressed harm reduction strategies and drug policies in Vietnam and worldwide (Lubinski, 7/22).

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Blog Post Summarizes Issues Discussed At AIDS 2014

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s “Impatient Optimists”: International AIDS Conference Focuses on Picking up the Pace Against HIV
Bryan Callahan, a communications officer with the Gates Foundation, discusses several of the highlights so far from the 20th International AIDS Conference, including tuberculosis-HIV co-infection and voluntary medical male circumcision (7/22).

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Increased Funding Needed To Match Enthusiasm To End AIDS, Advocate Says

Humanosphere: AIDS 2014 — Plenty of slogans & new science but not enough money
Tom Paulson, founder and lead journalist at Humanosphere, speaks with Mitchell Warren, executive director of AVAC, about a lack of funding for AIDS efforts (7/22).

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Decreasing Stigma, Increasing HIV Services Access Critical To Reducing Risk Among Key Populations

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s “Impatient Optimists”: We Will Not Banish AIDS Until We Banish Stigma
David Olson, a freelance consultant for Olson Global Communication, discusses key populations at risk of HIV infection, the importance of providing accessible services, and decreasing stigma (7/22).

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Blog Post Summarizes CDC Official's Presentation At AIDS 2014 blog: AIDS 2014 Day 3: CDC’s Laura Kann on Adolescents and HIV-Related Risk Behavior
Miguel Gomez, director of and senior communications adviser at the Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy at HHS, highlights a presentation on HIV-related risk behavior in adolescents made at the International AIDS Conference by Laura Kann, head of the School-Based Surveillance Branch in CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health (7/22).

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U.S. Census Bureau Releases Updated HIV/AIDS Database

U.S. Census Bureau: Census Bureau Updates Interactive HIV/AIDS Database
“The U.S. Census Bureau [on Monday] released its annually updated interactive global resource on the prevalence of HIV infection and AIDS cases and deaths. First developed in 1987, the database now holds more than 164,000 statistics, an increase of approximately 5,900 new estimates in the last year, and is the most comprehensive resource of its kind in the world…” (7/21).

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Experts Urge Inclusion Of NTDs In Post-2015 Development Agenda

Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases’ “End The Neglect”: Global Health Partners Continue to Urge the Inclusion of Neglected Tropical Diseases in the Post-2015 Development Agenda
“In a recently released policy brief, partners from the global health community continue to urge all United Nations (U.N.) Member States to ensure that the forthcoming post-2015 framework include specific targets for the control and elimination of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs); Doing so would reduce human suffering, increase economic prosperity and help achieve greater global equality for more than one billion people affected by NTDs in the developing world…” (7/22).

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WHO Welcomes Progress In Tackling Viral Hepatitis

World Health Organization: WHO welcomes global momentum on viral hepatitis
In advance of World Hepatitis Day, which takes place on July 28, WHO welcomes the progress that is being made on viral hepatitis and discusses innovations in the hepatitis response (7/23).

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New Issue Of 'Global Fund News Flash' Available Online

Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria: Global Fund News Flash
Issue 45 of the Global Fund News Flash includes articles on the 20th International AIDS Conference, the new tuberculosis drug bedaquiline, and William Kanyankore, a Rwandan physician (7/22).

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AIDS 2014 Provides Several Ways To Follow Conference Proceedings

International AIDS Conference: Stepping Up The Pace
The AIDS 2014 Media Centre is updated daily with press releases and conference highlights, including the Daily Bulletin and a press briefing available on the official conference YouTube channel. For information on upcoming AIDS 2014 sessions and speakers, download the Daily Programme Highlights document (.pdf) (7/21).

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