Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: August 2013 August 28, 2013 Poll Finding As outreach efforts for enrollment in the health insurance marketplaces created by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) increase over the summer, the August Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds that the public’s most trusted sources of information on the law are not necessarily the ones people are most likely to be hearing from.
Medicaid Expansion through Premium Assistance: Key Issues for Beneficiaries in Arkansas’ Section 1115 Demonstration Waiver Proposal July 19, 2013 Issue Brief This issue brief provides background about Medicaid premium assistance in the individual health insurance market, summarizes major components of Arkansas’ Section 1115 demonstration waiver application to implement the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion through premium assistance, and considers key issues affecting beneficiaries.
New Animation Explains Changes Coming for Americans Under Obamacare July 18, 2013 News Release A new animated video features the YouToons as they get ready for Obamacare and explore health insurance changes under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The cartoon serves as a health reform tutorial for consumers and organizations.
The YouToons Get Ready for Obamacare: Health Insurance Changes Coming Your Way Under the Affordable Care Act July 17, 2013 Video In this animated video, the YouToons get ready for Obamacare and explore health insurance changes under the Affordable Care Act. This cartoon serves as a health reform tutorial for consumers and organizations.
JAMA Forum: ACA Implementation Starts to Get Real May 8, 2013 Perspective Larry Levitt’s latest post on ACA implementation is now available on the JAMA Forum.
ACA 101: What You Need to Know April 26, 2013 Event Useful review for anyone seeking to comprehend complex issues leading up to major implementations taking effect in 2014
Consumer Assistance in Health Reform April 18, 2013 Issue Brief With the open enrollment period for health insurance exchanges less than six months away, consumers are already asking questions about their new health care options under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Even in the age of digital information, hands-on consumer assistance could play a key role in helping people understand…
Navigator and In-Person Assistance Programs: A Snapshot of State Programs April 18, 2013 Issue Brief With the open enrollment period for health insurance exchanges less than six months away, consumers are already asking questions about their new health care options under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Even in the age of digital information, hands-on consumer assistance could play a key role in helping people understand…
How Will Consumers Navigate New Health Care Options? Briefing and Panel Discussion April 18, 2013 Event With the open enrollment period for health insurance exchanges less than six months away, consumers are already asking questions about their new health care options under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Even in the age of digital information, hands-on consumer assistance could play a key role in helping people understand…
The Affordable Care Act: Three Years Post-Enactment March 26, 2013 Issue Brief On March 23, 2010, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law. Although the date for full implementation of most provisions of the law is January 1, 2014, the ACA has already led to progress toward expanded coverage of the uninsured; improved access and better care delivery models; broader…