A Special Series: The Kaiser Family Foundation and ABC/WCVB Local TV News Initiative July 1, 1997 Report The Kaiser Family Foundation is providing two resources on caring for an elderly relative produced by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) free of charge. They are being provided as part of a joint project with WCVB-TV in Boston, which aired a special series on this topic on July…
A Special Series: The Kaiser Family Foundation and ABC/WCVB Local TV News Initiative – Report July 1, 1997 Report A Special SeriesThe Kaiser Family Foundation and ABC/WCVB Local TV News Initiative:Caring For An Elderly RelativeGrowing numbers of families today are struggling with the challenges of getting and paying for long-term care for elderly relatives. As the population ages and more women enter the workforce, the problems of caring for…
Medicaid and Long Term Care January 30, 1996 Issue Brief This policy brief reviews Medicaid's role as the nation's primary source of coverage for long-term care services and examines the implications of recent legislative efforts to restructure the Medicaid program for those in need of care in nursing homes, intermediate-care facilities for the mentally retarded, and home- and community-based settings.Policy…
Medicaid and the Elderly – Policy Brief September 1, 1995 Issue Brief Medicaid and the ElderlySeptember 1995Medicaid is a crucial health financing program for the elderly population, providing assistance to over 1 in 10 Americans age 65 or older. Nearly four million elderly people receive Medicaid assistance with medical and long-term care expenses. Medicaid's coverage helps low-income elderly people gain access to…
Medicaid and the Elderly August 30, 1995 Issue Brief This policy brief explains the Medicaid's program's relationship to the elderly and provides information on beneficiaries and expenditures. Also discussed is Medicaid coverage of long-term care and nursing home care for the elderly.Policy Brief Policy Brief