Analysis: Global Health Funding in the FY15 Omnibus Appropriations Act December 22, 2014 News Release The FY15 Omnibus Appropriations Act contains $5.4 billion in emergency funding to address the Ebola crisis – a significant increase in total U.S. support for global health. Aside from the additional funding for Ebola, global health funding remained essentially flat at $9.2 billion, according to a new Kaiser Family Foundation…
The U.S. Global Health Budget: Analysis of Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2015 December 22, 2014 Issue Brief This budget analysis reviews U.S. funding for global health programs in the FY15 Omnibus Appropriations bill, signed into law by the President on December 16, 2014.
New Study Provides Insight and Analysis to Help Explain the Medicare Spending Slowdown December 17, 2014 News Release Medicare, the federal health program that provides health care and coverage to 54 million seniors and younger adults with permanent disabilities, is in the midst of an unprecedented slowdown in spending growth. A new issue brief from the Kaiser Family Foundation, How Much of the Medicare Spending Slowdown Can be…
New Report on the “Rising Cost of Living Longer” Details Medicare Spending by Age January 14, 2015 News Release A new report, The Rising Cost of Living Longer: Analysis of Medicare Spending by Age for Beneficiaries in Traditional Medicare, from the Kaiser Family Foundation takes a detailed look at per person Medicare spending by age and by service among the nearly 30 million people covered by traditional Medicare in 2011
Drew Altman: 3 Takeaways From the Medicare Trustees Report August 1, 2014 News Release In his latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman dives into this week’s release of the Social Security and Medicare Trustees Report to discuss the good news that may have been missed. All previous columns by Drew Altman are available online.
3 Takeaways From the Medicare Trustees Report August 1, 2014 Perspective In his latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman dives into this week’s release of the Social Security and Medicare Trustees Report to discuss the good news that may have been missed.
The Growth in Share of Medicare Advantage Spending April 7, 2022 Slide Earlier this week, the Biden Administration announced the final Medicare Advantage rates for 2023, which are projected to result in an average increase in Medicare Advantage plan revenue of 8.5% compared to 2022 – the highest average expected increase in recent years. Payments to Medicare Advantage plans as a share…
Implications of the Lapse in Federal COVID-19 Funding on Access to COVID-19 Testing, Treatment, and Vaccines March 28, 2022 Issue Brief A current impasse in Congress threatens continued funding for COVID-19 testing, treatment, and vaccines. The lack of additional federal COVID-19 funding has broad implications for access to these services, particularly for the uninsured, and could undermine efforts to ensure equitable access to these resources.
U.S. Global Funding for COVID-19 by Country and Region: An Analysis of USAID Data June 29, 2022 Issue Brief As Congress again considers increased assistance for the global response to COVID-19, we look at how current U.S. global COVID-19 emergency funding is being channeled, particularly to countries and regions.
Dec. 8 Event: Unpacking the Prescription Drug Provisions of the Build Back Better Act December 8, 2021 Event As the Build Back Better Act shifts from the House to the Senate, there’s considerable interest in provisions that would lower the cost of prescription drugs. The House-passed bill would allow the federal government to negotiate prices for some high-cost drugs in Medicare, and set a hard cap on out-of-pocket…