Medicare Spending Limits: Issues and Implications January 1, 2013 Issue Brief Several major deficit-reduction plans include provisions that would impose an explicit limit on the growth in Medicare spending. In general, such limits would trigger cuts if Medicare spending grows more rapidly than a target, such as the growth in the economy. This brief prepared for the Kaiser Family Foundation describes…
The President’s Budget Request: What Does It Mean For U.S. Global Health Efforts? February 14, 2012 Event On Tuesday, February 21, the Kaiser Family Foundation held a live webcast to assess President Obama’s fiscal year 2013 budget proposal and potential implications for global health. The webcast featured a panel of global health policy experts who analyzed the Administration’s proposal and how it compares to current funding levels,…
New Interactive Tool Allows Users to Explore Trends in US Health Spending and Share Custom-Made Charts April 1, 2015 News Release A new interactive tool on the Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker allows users to analyze the most up-to-date data on U.S. health spending, then build, display and share the charts they create. Developed by analysts at the Kaiser Family Foundation, the Health Spending Explorer helps users examine five decades worth of numbers documenting…
Income-Related Premiums in Medicare: Who Pays, and How Much Do They Pay? March 20, 2015 News Release Since 2007, seniors with incomes greater than $85,000 have had to pay higher premiums for Medicare than their counterparts with lower incomes. Six percent of Medicare Part B enrollees are expected to pay higher monthly premiums in 2015, ranging from $147 to $336, depending on their income. Lawmakers on Capitol…
Medicare 101: What You Need To Know March 27, 2015 Event Hosted by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Alliance for Health Reform, this briefing reviewed basic questions about the Medicare program, such as: What services does Medicare provide, and how does Medicare pay for these services? How is Medicare financed? What changes did the Affordable Care Act (ACA) make to Medicare? How fast is Medicare spending growing? What are current proposals to strengthen Medicare for the future, and what are prospects for action in the new Congress?
Medicare’s Income-Related Premiums: A Data Note June 3, 2015 Issue Brief This data note presents new information to help set a context for understanding the implications of recent changes to Medicare’s income-related premiums incorporated in the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA), a new law to repeal and replace Medicare’s Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula for physician payments. It describes current requirements with respect to the income-related premiums under Medicare Part B and Part D, including the number and share of Medicare beneficiaries who are estimated to pay income-related premiums and revenues raised from the income-related premium, based on data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Office of the Actuary (OACT). It also explains the recently enacted changes in MACRA that will affect some higher-income people on Medicare who are already paying income-related premiums, beginning in 2018.
The Mystery of the Missing $1,200 Per Person: Can Medicare’s Spending Slowdown Continue? September 29, 2014 Perspective This policy insight examines the unexpected drop in Medicare’s per-beneficiary spending projections and its implications for beneficiaries and the program’s future.
The U.S. Global Health Budget: Analysis of the Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Request April 7, 2014 Issue Brief This budget analysis reviews U.S. funding for global health programs included in the fiscal year 2015 Budget Request released on March 4, 2014. It examines funding by program area as well as trends over time.
The Policy Implications of Medicare’s New Measure of Financial Health September 30, 2005 Issue Brief This report examines a new measure of Medicare’s financial health established by the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA). The report, authored by Marilyn Moon, takes an in-depth look at the program’s new solvency test, which measures general revenues as a share of total Medicare spending and can trigger a “funding warning” that compels the President to propose and the Congress to consider a funding warning.