Proposed Changes to Title X: Implications for Women and Family Planning Providers November 21, 2018 Issue Brief The Trump Administration has taken numerous steps to significantly alter the Title X program, the federal grant program that supports family planning services to low-income women. This brief provides an overview of the Title X program, discusses the new 2018 funding announcement and related litigation, and reviews the Trump Administration’s proposed regulations and the implications of these changes.
Natural Family Planning as a Means of Preventing Pregnancy May 14, 2018 Fact Sheet Natural family planning has recently gained attention following the Trump Administration’s release of the 2018 Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for the federal Title X family planning program. The updated FOA emphasizes abstinence and natural family planning methods, a major departure from prior administrations that have prioritized counseling women about the most effective methods. This fact sheet provides an overview of Fertility Awareness Methods and their efficacy, reviews some of the new apps and natural family planning models, and discusses limitations as well as associated costs and insurance coverage of these methods.
New Regulations Broadening Employer Exemptions to Contraceptive Coverage: Impact on Women November 19, 2018 Issue Brief This brief explains the contraceptive coverage rule under the ACA, the impact it has had on coverage, and how the new regulations issued by the Trump administration have changed the contraceptive coverage requirement for employers with religious and moral objections to contraception and the women who receive coverage through their plans.
Five Ways the Graham-Cassidy Proposal Would Affect Women September 21, 2017 Fact Sheet The Graham-Cassidy Senate proposal to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act that could have a far-reaching impact on women’s health care access and coverage. A new fact sheet outlines the ways women could be affected.
State and Federal Contraceptive Coverage Requirements: Implications for Women and Employers March 29, 2018 Issue Brief Before the ACA was passed, many states had enacted contraceptive equity laws that required plans to treat contraceptives in the same way they covered other services. In addition, since the ACA was passed, a number of states have enacted laws that basically codify in state legislation the ACA benefit rules. This issue brief provides an update on the status of the continuing litigation on the federal contraceptive requirement and explains the interplay between the federal and state contraceptive coverage laws and the implications for employers and women.
KFF Poll: Public Opinion and Knowledge on Reproductive Health Policy May 3, 2019 Poll Finding The latest KFF Poll examines the public’s attitudes towards different facets of reproductive health care in light of recent policy changes made by the Trump administration. This poll examines attitudes towards major changes to the Title X program and attitudes toward state-level laws restricting abortions after a fetal heartbeat has been detected. The poll also looks at public awareness of provisions related to women’s health that are part of the 2010 Affordable Care Act.
Poll Finds Most Americans Oppose the Trump Administration’s Changes to Restrict Title X Family Planning Funds from Clinics that also Provide or Refer for Abortion May 3, 2019 News Release A new KFF poll of the public’s views on reproductive health issues finds most Americans, including majorities of women of reproductive age, are concerned that access to women’s reproductive health and preventive care services may be limited by the Trump administration’s changes to Title X, the nation’s federal family planning…
Round 3: Legal Challenges to Contraceptive Coverage at SCOTUS May 4, 2020 Issue Brief This brief explains how the new regulations issued by the Trump Administration would change the contraceptive coverage requirement for employers and affect women’s coverage, the legal positions for challenging and defending these regulations, the potential rulings, and the broader ramifications.
The 2020 Presidential Election: Implications for Women’s Health October 15, 2020 Issue Brief This brief and side-by-side tables reviews the key health issues that are likely to have a direct impact on women’s health as well as their access to coverage and care, and summarizes the presidential candidates’ stated positions and records on these issues.