Portraits of Women on Medicare: The Women of Friendship Terrace June 29, 2002 Event This video features five older women who reside in an assisted living community in Washington, DC, as they share their experiences in the Medicare program and offer their insights on ways the program could be improved to better meet the health care needs of seniors. Please note: the video is…
Medicare Beneficiaries and Their Assets: Implications for Low-Income Programs June 1, 2002 Report This report, prepared by Marilyn Moon of The Urban Institute and Robert Friedland and Lee Shirey of Georgetown University's Center on an Aging Society, reviews the income and assets of the current Medicare population, provides an overview of asset tests used to determine eligibility for programs assisting low-income Medicare beneficiaries,…
The Role of National Firms in Medicare+Choice June 1, 2002 Report This report addresses national managed care firms participation in M+C and the factors influencing their decision processes about M+C products. Based on interviews with executives and senior staff of national managed care firms, this report examines how eight national firms strategically position their M+C product, including the process that firms…
Medicare+Choice Withdrawals: Understanding Key Factors June 1, 2002 Report To help understand why M+C plans have exited or limited their participation in the M+C program in recent years, this report presents an empirical analysis of the factors associated with plan withdrawals between 1999 and 2001. This analysis explores factors such as M+C payment levels, local market characteristics, and individual…
Women Who Left Welfare: Health Care Coverage, Access, and Use of Health Services June 1, 2002 Report This brief uses the latest available data from the National Survey of America's Families to assess the relationship of health coverage to work status, health, access and use of health services by women who left welfare in 1997 or after and had not returned by 1999.Issue Paper
Contraceptive Use and Methods in the U.S. May 31, 2002 Fact Sheet This fact sheet reviews contraceptive use and methods in the U.S., including current attitudes about contraception, use by adolescents and young adults, various contraception options, and insurance coverage. Fact Sheet (.pdf)
NPR/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard Kennedy School of Government Survey on Health Care – Summary of Findings May 30, 2002 Poll Finding New NPR/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard Kennedy School of Government Survey on Health Care A new survey by NPR, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and Harvard s Kennedy School of Government finds that many Americans have real problems when it comes to accessing and paying for health care, and even if they haven’t…
New NPR/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard Kennedy School of Government Survey on Health Care May 30, 2002 Poll Finding A new survey by NPR, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and Harvard s Kennedy School of Government finds that many Americans have real problems when it comes to accessing and paying for health care, and even if they haven’t yet faced a problem, many worry about getting and paying for care…
NPR/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard Kennedy School of Government Survey on Health Care – Chart Pack May 30, 2002 Poll Finding New NPR/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard Kennedy School of Government Survey on Health Care A new survey by NPR, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and Harvard s Kennedy School of Government finds that many Americans have real problems when it comes to accessing and paying for health care, and even if they haven’t…
Sicker and Poorer: The Consequences of Being Uninsured April 30, 2002 Report Sicker and Poorer: The Consequences of Being UninsuredA new report by the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured synthesizes the major findings of the past 25 years of health services research assessing the most important effects of health insurance. The report evaluates thousands of citations and 230 research articles…