American Indians and Alaska Native: Health Coverage and Access to Care January 30, 2004 Fact Sheet A study of American Indians’ and Alaska Natives’ access to health care, conducted by researchers from the Urban Institue, University of Arizona and the Kaiser Family Foundation, identifies some of the health policy challenges this population faces. The study was originally published in the Janurary issue of the American Journal…
Legal and Historical Roots of Health Care for American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States January 30, 2004 Issue Brief , Issue Brief An issue brief examining the legal and historical roots of health care for American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States. Issue Brief (.pdf)
American Indians and Alaska Natives: Health Coverage and Access to Care January 30, 2004 Fact Sheet American Indians and Alaska Natives: Health Coverage Access to Care, Fact SheetA fact sheet examining health coverage and access to care among American Indians and Alaska Natives. This fact sheet is an update to a KCMU fact on the subject issued in June 2000 (#2198).Fact Sheet (.pdf)
Lack of Coverage: A Long-Term Problem for Most Uninsured January 2, 2004 Fact Sheet This fact sheet, recently updated with 2002 data, describes how long the uninsured remain without coverage, who tends to go without insurance for long spells of time, and what difference time without coverage makes in terms of access to and utilization of care. Fact Sheet (.pdf) Link to Policy Brief:…
Survey of People with Disabilities November 30, 2003 Poll Finding People with disabilities are at risk in the health-care system because of their wide-ranging health-care needs, their relatively heavy use of prescription drugs, health-care and support services, and typically low incomes. A new survey of people with permanent mental and/or physical disabilities explores their health-care experiences and challenges in accessing…
The Role of Health Coverage for People with Disabilities November 30, 2003 Event People with disabilities are at risk in the health-care system because of their wide-ranging health-care needs, their relatively heavy use of prescription drugs, health-care and support services, and typically low incomes. A new survey of people with permanent mental and/or physical disabilities explores their health-care experiences and challenges in accessing…
Understanding the Health-Care Needs and Experiences of People with Disabilities: Findings from a 2003 Survey November 30, 2003 Report Understanding the Health-Care Needs and Experiences of People with Disabilities: Findings from a 2003 SurveyPeople with disabilities are at risk in the health-care system because of their wide-ranging health-care needs, their relatively heavy use of prescription drugs, health-care and support services, and typically low incomes. A new survey of people…
Medicaid Matters: Hearing from Families November 24, 2003 Video The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured’s video Medicaid Matters: Hearing from Families profiles five families who have children covered by Medicaid. These five families reflect the diversity of those helped by Medicaid — families from all over the country of varying races/ethnicities, ages and sizes. Each family also illustrates a…
Prescription Drug Coverage for Medicare Beneficiaries: A Side-by-Side Comparison of S. 1 and H.R. 1 and the Conference Agreement H.R. 1 November 1, 2003 Report This document, prepared by Health Policy Alternatives, Inc., provides a detailed side-by-side comparison of the prescription drug provisions of the Conference Agreement (H.R. 1) passed by the House and Senate in November 2003 and the House (H.R. 1) and Senate (S. 1) Medicare proposals passed in June 2003.Report (.pdf)