Health Affairs Blog: The Myth Of The Abortion Insurance Rider July 12, 2018 Perspective In a Health Affairs blog post, Laurie Sobel, Caroline Rosenzweig and Alina Salganicoff of the Kaiser Family Foundation discuss the feasibility of abortion riders to private group and individual health plans as a means of providing access to abortion coverage when states ban the coverage as part of an insurance plan.…
Analysis: Insurance Riders to Cover Abortion Services Not Available to Women in States That Restrict Abortion Coverage February 14, 2018 News Release In 10 states, insurance plans are currently banned from including abortion as a covered service in state-regulated private plans — all individually purchased policies and fully-insured group plans. Most of these laws do not include exceptions for rape, incest, or health endangerment. In nine of these states, insurers may sell…
Abortion Riders: Women Living in States with Insurance Restrictions Lack Abortion Coverage Options February 13, 2018 Issue Brief This data note explores the extent to which abortion riders are available in the states that restrict abortion coverage in state-regulated private plans and permit insurance carriers to sell abortion riders.
Abortion Coverage in the Bipartisan Health Care Stabilization Act of 2018 (S. 1771) March 22, 2018 Issue Brief This issue brief reviews current federal and state policies on private insurance coverage of abortion services, and how the Bipartisan Health Care Stabilization Act of 2018 would affect abortion coverage for women enrolled in the individual market.
Abortion Coverage in the Premium Relief Act of 2017 (HR 4666) March 19, 2018 Issue Brief This issue brief reviews current federal and state policies on private insurance coverage of abortion services, and how the Premium Relief Act of 2017 would affect abortion coverage for women enrolled in the individual market and some small group plans.
How Many Foreign NGOs Are Subject to the Expanded Mexico City Policy? December 4, 2017 Issue Brief This brief looks at one of the key outstanding questions about the potential impact of the expanded Mexico City Policy (or “Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance”): the size of the universe of affected NGOs.
Abortion Policy and Politics September 29, 2002 Issue Brief This issue update reviews abortion since the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade legalized it in 1973. Every state has laws regulating some aspect of the provision of abortion, and many have passed restrictions that are now in effect, such as parental consent or notification requirements; mandated counseling…
Interactive Map Shows Recent Evolution of State Policies Shaping Access to Abortion Coverage in Medicaid and Private Insurance September 19, 2014 News Release A new interactive map from the Kaiser Family Foundation provides a broad look at states’ laws shaping access to coverage for abortion in Medicaid and private insurance. The map includes the ability to view snapshots showing the extent of such limitations in states across the nation for the years 2000,…
Employer Coverage of Travel Costs for Out-of-State Abortion May 16, 2022 Blog This Policy Watch gives an overview of employers offering to cover travel expenses for workers who need to go out of state for an abortion in the context of increasing restrictions on abortion around the country. We discuss who is offering these benefits, the implications for workers, and some of the legal and political concerns for employers.
Some States Are Strengthening Abortion Access and Protections for Clinicians and Out-of-State Residents Seeking Abortions May 16, 2022 News Release If the Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade, the landmark decision that established the right to abortion, then individual states can regulate abortion without any federal requirement to protect abortion access. While about half of the states in the U.S. will move to either ban or highly restrict abortion access…