Medicaid Moving Forward

Table 1: Medicaid Enrollment by Group, FY 2011
State Total Aged Disabled Adult Children
Number Number % Number % Number % Number %
United States 68,039,600 6,411,400 9% 10,055,800 15% 18,639,200 27% 32,931,900 48%
Alabama 1,062,400 118,000 11% 221,600 21% 182,200 17% 540,600 51%
Alaska 138,600 9,500 7% 18,000 13% 31,400 23% 79,800 58%
Arizona 1,264,400 90,000 7% 144,500 11% 461,700 37% 568,200 45%
Arkansas 717,800 70,600 10% 151,400 21% 114,100 16% 381,800 53%
California 11,666,700 1,038,300 9% 1,063,600 9% 4,905,800 42% 4,659,100 40%
Colorado 745,100 51,500 7% 94,900 13% 161,100 22% 437,600 59%
Connecticut 786,100 108,300 14% 82,000 10% 277,400 35% 318,300 40%
Delaware 242,600 15,100 6% 26,800 11% 103,800 43% 96,800 40%
DC 233,600 18,800 8% 38,400 16% 92,400 40% 84,000 36%
Florida 3,703,400 470,200 13% 573,700 15% 762,000 21% 1,897,500 51%
Georgia 1,929,800 182,000 9% 315,600 16% 300,500 16% 1,131,700 59%
Hawaii 284,100 25,800 9% 28,500 10% 109,800 39% 120,000 42%
Idaho 271,900 19,200 7% 43,700 16% 39,100 14% 169,600 62%
Illinois 2,927,600 225,200 8% 333,000 11% 797,200 27% 1,572,100 54%
Indiana 1,231,700 93,000 8% 188,500 15% 252,200 20% 698,100 57%
Iowa 598,400 44,300 7% 85,000 14% 183,700 31% 285,400 48%
Kansas 394,400 37,700 10% 77,400 20% 54,900 14% 224,300 57%
Kentucky 947,100 98,300 10% 242,400 26% 144,600 15% 461,800 49%
Louisiana 1,285,400 117,100 9% 237,300 18% 252,200 20% 678,800 53%
Maine 375,900 67,300 18% 75,800 20% 106,800 28% 126,000 34%
Maryland 975,400 77,000 8% 148,800 15% 271,400 28% 478,200 49%
Massachusetts 1,508,900 154,900 10% 345,200 23% 618,600 41% 389,400 26%
Michigan 2,347,500 147,800 6% 380,000 16% 629,700 27% 1,189,900 51%
Minnesota 1,104,100 99,300 9% 140,000 13% 400,800 36% 464,000 42%
Mississippi 781,700 90,000 12% 170,800 22% 113,700 15% 407,200 52%
Missouri 1,148,800 96,300 8% 215,800 19% 234,700 20% 602,000 52%
Montana 128,800 11,000 9% 21,600 17% 20,500 16% 75,700 59%
Nebraska 276,300 24,700 9% 40,400 15% 47,500 17% 163,800 59%
Nevada 388,200 30,800 8% 49,700 13% 75,900 20% 231,800 60%
New Hampshire 171,500 16,300 10% 31,900 19% 22,700 13% 100,600 59%
New Jersey 1,055,900 151,400 14% 176,300 17% 141,700 13% 586,500 56%
New Mexico 576,100 42,800 7% 67,900 12% 115,800 20% 349,600 61%
New York 5,818,300 644,400 11% 713,600 12% 2,309,900 40% 2,150,400 37%
North Carolina 1,953,800 187,300 10% 334,200 17% 403,200 21% 1,029,200 53%
North Dakota 85,600 9,500 11% 12,200 14% 18,100 21% 45,900 54%
Ohio 2,247,300 179,700 8% 383,000 17% 554,500 25% 1,130,000 50%
Oklahoma 856,800 66,300 8% 122,500 14% 178,500 21% 489,500 57%
Oregon 729,500 62,900 9% 103,700 14% 210,200 29% 352,700 48%
Pennsylvania 2,531,200 251,800 10% 640,800 25% 528,700 21% 1,109,900 44%
Rhode Island 212,100 26,600 13% 43,000 20% 47,100 22% 95,400 45%
South Carolina 964,800 85,600 9% 163,100 17% 218,400 23% 497,700 52%
South Dakota 137,000 13,000 9% 19,600 14% 23,000 17% 81,400 59%
Tennessee 1,543,600 146,200 9% 275,200 18% 317,200 21% 805,000 52%
Texas 4,844,300 447,300 9% 636,000 13% 636,300 13% 3,124,700 65%
Utah 349,600 15,200 4% 41,600 12% 88,000 25% 204,800 59%
Vermont 200,000 22,300 11% 25,700 13% 83,200 42% 68,800 34%
Virginia 1,072,100 112,900 11% 186,400 17% 178,500 17% 594,400 55%
Washington 1,397,000 100,300 7% 213,600 15% 289,700 21% 793,400 57%
West Virginia 438,500 43,400 10% 123,400 28% 63,900 15% 207,900 47%
Wisconsin 1,298,700 148,200 11% 175,900 14% 451,800 35% 522,600 40%
Wyoming 89,100 6,000 7% 11,700 13% 13,300 15% 58,100 65%
SOURCE: Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured and Urban Institute estimates based on data from FY 2011 MSIS. Because 2011 data were unavailable, 2010 MSIS data were used for Florida, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Montana, New Mexico, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah. For more detailed data notes, see:
Table 2: Medicaid and CHIP Income Eligibility Limits for Children as a Percent of Federal Poverty Level (FPL),  January 2015
State Upper Income Eligibility Limit Medicaid Ages 0-1 Medicaid Ages 1-5 Medicaid Ages 6-18 Separate CHIP
Ages 0-18
Medicaid Funding CHIP Funding Medicaid Funding CHIP Funding Medicaid Funding CHIPFunding
Alabama 317% 146% 146% 105% 146% 317%
Alaska 208% 182% 208% 182% 208% 182% 208%
Arizona 200% (closed) 152% 146% 109% 138% 200% (closed)
Arkansas 216% 147% 216% 147% 216% 112% 216%
California 266% 213% 266% 147% 266% 138% 266%
Colorado 265% 147% 147% 113% 147% 265%
Connecticut 323% 201% 201% 201% 323%
Delaware 217% 199% 217% 147% 105% 138% 217%
DC 324% 211% 324% 151% 324% 117% 324%
Florida 215% 197% 211% 145% 117% 138% 215%
Georgia 252% 210% 154% 118% 138% 252%
Hawaii 313% 196% 313% 144% 313% 138% 313%
Idaho 190% 147% 147% 138% 155% 190%
Illinois 318% 147% 113% 147% 113% 147% 318%
Indiana 255% 213% 146% 163% 111% 163% 255%
Iowa 380% 245% 380% 172% 127% 172% 307%
Kansas 247% 171%   154%   118% 138% 247%
Kentucky 218% 200% 147% 164% 147% 164% 218%
Louisiana 255% 147% 217% 147% 217% 147% 217% 255%
Maine 213% 196% 162% 162% 213%
Maryland 322% 199% 322% 138% 322% 138% 322%
Massachusetts 305% 190% 205% 138% 155% 119% 155% 305%
Michigan 217% 200% 148% 165% 115% 165% 217%
Minnesota 288% 280% 288% 280% 280%
Mississippi 214% 199% 148% 112% 138% 214%
Missouri 305% 201% 153% 153% 155% 305%
Montana 266% 148% 148% 148% 266%
Nebraska 218% 167% 218% 150% 218% 138% 218%
Nevada 205% 165% 165% 127% 138% 205%
New Hampshire 323% 201% 323% 201% 323% 201% 323%
New Jersey 355% 199% 147% 112% 147% 355%
New Mexico 305% 245% 305% 245% 305% 195% 245%
New York 405% 223% 154% 115% 154% 405%
North Carolina 216% 199% 215% 146% 215% 112% 138% 216%
North Dakota 175% 152% 152% 116% 138% 175%
Ohio 211% 161% 211% 161% 211% 161% 211%
Oklahoma 210% 174% 210% 156% 210% 120% 210%
Oregon 305% 190% 138% 105% 138% 305%
Pennsylvania 319% 220% 162% 124% 138% 319%
Rhode Island 266% 195% 266% 147% 266% 114% 266%
South Carolina 213% 199% 213% 148% 213% 138% 213%
South Dakota 209% 152% 187% 145% 187% 116% 187% 209%
Tennessee 255% 200% 147% 138% 255%
Texas 206% 203% 149% 114% 138% 206%
Utah 205% 144% 144% 110% 138% 205%
Vermont 317% 242% 317% 242% 317% 242% 317%
Virginia 205% 148%   148% 114% 148% 205%
Washington 317% 215% 215% 215% 317%
West Virginia 305% 163% 146% 113% 138% 305%
Wisconsin 306% 306% 191% 138% 156% 306%
Wyoming 205% 159% 159% 124% 138% 205%
NOTES: Eligibility levels are based on the 2014 federal poverty level (FPL) for a family of three, and reflect MAGI-converted income standards and an income disregard equal to five percentage points of the FPL.
SOURCE: Based on a national survey conducted by the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured with the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families, 2015, available at
Table 3: Medicaid Income Eligibility Limits for Pregnant Women and Other Adults as a Percent of Federal Poverty Level (FPL), January 2015
State Pregnant Women Parents with Dependent Children Childless Adults
Alabama 146% 18% 0%
Alaska 205% 146% 0%
Arizona 161% 138% 138%
Arkansas 214% 138% 138%
California 213% 138% 138%
Colorado 200% 138% 138%
Connecticut 263% 201% 138%
Delaware 217% 138% 138%
DC 211% 221% 215%
Florida 196% 34% 0%
Georgia 225% 38% 0%
Hawaii 196% 138% 138%
Idaho 138% 27% 0%
Illinois 213% 138% 138%
Indiana 213% 24% 0%
Iowa 380% 138% 138%
Kansas 171% 38% 0%
Kentucky 200% 138% 138%
Louisiana 138% 24% 0%
Maine 214% 105% 0%
Maryland 264% 138% 138%
Massachusetts 205% 138% 138%
Michigan 200% 138% 138%
Minnesota 283% 138% 138%
Mississippi 199% 28% 0%
Missouri 201% 23% 0%
Montana 162% 51% 0%
Nebraska 199% 55% 0%
Nevada 165% 138% 138%
New Hampshire 201% 138% 138%
New Jersey 199% 138% 138%
New Mexico 255% 138% 138%
New York 223% 138% 138%
North Carolina 201% 45% 0%
North Dakota 152% 138% 138%
Ohio 205% 138% 138%
Oklahoma 138% 46% 0%
Oregon 190% 138% 138%
Pennsylvania 220% 138% 138%
Rhode Island 195% 138% 138%
South Carolina 199% 67% 0%
South Dakota 138% 53% 0%
Tennessee 200% 103% 0%
Texas 203% 19% 0%
Utah 144% 46% 0%
Vermont 213% 138% 138%
Virginia 148% 45% 0%
Washington 198% 138% 138%
West Virginia 163% 138% 138%
Wisconsin 306% 100% 100%
Wyoming 159% 58% 0%
NOTES: Eligibility levels are based on the 2014 federal poverty level (FPL) for a family of three for parents of dependent children, and for an individual for childless adults. Income eligibility limits reflect MAGI-converted income standards and an income disregard equal to five percentage points of the FPL.
SOURCE: Based on a national survey conducted by the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured with the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families, 2015, available at Data updated to reflect state Medicaid expansion decisions as of February, 2015.
Table 4: Medicaid Spending by Group (in $ millions), FY 2011
State Total Aged Disabled Adult Children
$ $ % $ % $ % $ %
United States $397,635 $85,355 21% $168,817 42% $61,059 15% $82,401 21%
Alabama $4,367 $987 23% $1,770 41% $441 10% $1,170 27%
Alaska $1,313 $220 17% $513 39% $203 15% $377 29%
Arizona $8,878 $1,136 13% $3,170 36% $2,830 32% $1,741 20%
Arkansas $3,779 $918 24% $1,750 46% $187 5% $924 24%
California $52,129 $12,199 23% $21,385 41% $7,770 15% $10,775 21%
Colorado $4,231 $873 21% $1,803 43% $570 13% $984 23%
Connecticut $5,868 $1,587 27% $2,015 34% $1,260 21% $1,006 17%
Delaware $1,443 $204 14% $455 32% $503 35% $282 20%
DC $2,073 $383 18% $1,035 50% $417 20% $238 11%
Florida $17,257 $4,136 24% $7,316 42% $2,338 14% $3,467 20%
Georgia $7,703 $1,384 18% $2,769 36% $1,254 16% $2,296 30%
Hawaii $1,545 $425 27% $459 30% $413 27% $247 16%
Idaho $1,550 $198 13% $808 52% $200 13% $343 22%
Illinois $13,108 $2,236 17% $5,227 40% $2,308 18% $3,338 25%
Indiana $6,473 $1,394 22% $2,876 44% $904 14% $1,300 20%
Iowa $3,286 $702 21% $1,606 49% $376 11% $601 18%
Kansas $2,621 $573 22% $1,271 48% $228 9% $549 21%
Kentucky $5,623 $944 17% $2,611 46% $723 13% $1,345 24%
Louisiana $6,259 $1,009 16% $3,096 49% $733 12% $1,420 23%
Maine $2,234 $582 26% $1,085 49% $243 11% $325 15%
Maryland $7,400 $1,331 18% $3,359 45% $1,258 17% $1,452 20%
Massachusetts $13,153 $3,274 25% $5,798 44% $2,538 19% $1,540 12%
Michigan $11,895 $2,277 19% $5,409 45% $1,935 16% $2,274 19%
Minnesota $8,287 $1,694 20% $3,581 43% $1,426 17% $1,586 19%
Mississippi $4,170 $931 22% $1,785 43% $464 11% $989 24%
Missouri $7,454 $1,416 19% $3,540 47% $705 9% $1,793 24%
Montana $949 $256 27% $363 38% $100 10% $231 24%
Nebraska $1,592 $365 23% $703 44% $190 12% $334 21%
Nevada $1,447 $221 15% $596 41% $181 12% $450 31%
New Hampshire $1,244 $299 24% $536 43% $83 7% $326 26%
New Jersey $9,222 $2,730 30% $4,057 44% $738 8% $1,698 18%
New Mexico $3,286 N/A N/A $1,035 31% $629 19% $1,549 47%
New York $51,788 $13,932 27% $21,565 42% $10,616 20% $5,675 11%
North Carolina $10,211 $1,715 17% $4,616 45% $1,446 14% $2,435 24%
North Dakota $714 $226 32% $305 43% $66 9% $116 16%
Ohio $15,406 $3,569 23% $7,110 46% $2,342 15% $2,385 15%
Oklahoma $4,231 $661 16% $1,736 41% $563 13% $1,271 30%
Oregon $4,310 $983 23% $1,543 36% $1,064 25% $720 17%
Pennsylvania $19,773 $4,397 22% $9,950 50% $1,884 10% $3,542 18%
Rhode Island $1,961 $368 19% $886 45% $270 14% $437 22%
South Carolina $4,636 $885 19% $1,968 42% $783 17% $1,000 22%
South Dakota $751 $142 19% $309 41% $97 13% $204 27%
Tennessee $7,957 $1,257 16% $3,214 40% $1,501 19% $1,986 25%
Texas $27,011 $4,492 17% $10,204 38% $2,222 8% $10,093 37%
Utah $1,795 $178 10% $851 47% $272 15% $493 27%
Vermont $1,258 $143 11% $388 31% $370 29% $357 28%
Virginia $6,673 $1,292 19% $2,990 45% $787 12% $1,604 24%
Washington $6,975 $1,217 17% $3,022 43% $1,071 15% $1,665 24%
West Virginia $2,769 $614 22% $1,361 49% $274 10% $521 19%
Wisconsin $7,031 $2,204 31% $2,760 39% $1,234 18% $833 12%
Wyoming $544 $125 23% $254 47% $51 9% $113 21%
SOURCE: Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured and Urban Institute estimates based on data from FY 2011 MSIS and CMS-64 reports. For more detailed data notes, see:
Table 5: Medicaid Spending Per Enrollee by Group, FY 2011
State Total Aged Disabled Adult Children
United States $5,790 $13,249 $16,643 $3,247 $2,463
Alabama $4,111 $8,358 $7,989 $2,420 $2,163
Alaska $9,474 $23,321 $28,554 $6,467 $4,720
Arizona $7,022 $12,628 $21,940 $6,131 $3,064
Arkansas $5,264 $12,994 $11,564 $1,638 $2,420
California $4,468 $11,749 $20,106 $1,584 $2,313
Colorado $5,679 $16,943 $19,008 $3,539 $2,250
Connecticut $7,465 $14,652 $24,567 $4,541 $3,161
Delaware $5,949 $13,439 $16,968 $4,843 $2,909
DC $8,875 $20,430 $26,958 $4,506 $2,837
Florida $4,434 $8,532 $12,130 $2,880 $1,716
Georgia $3,992 $7,604 $8,775 $4,174 $2,028
Hawaii $5,438 $16,432 $16,128 $3,765 $2,062
Idaho $5,700 $10,324 $18,510 $5,098 $2,025
Illinois $4,477 $9,926 $15,696 $2,895 $2,123
Indiana $5,256 $14,991 $15,255 $3,585 $1,862
Iowa $5,491 $15,865 $18,893 $2,048 $2,106
Kansas $5,996 $13,643 $14,829 $3,745 $2,212
Kentucky $5,937 $9,607 $10,769 $5,000 $2,913
Louisiana $4,869 $8,616 $13,049 $2,907 $2,092
Maine $5,968 $8,932 $14,386 $2,189 $2,526
Maryland $7,046 $16,591 $20,962 $4,231 $2,778
Massachusetts $8,717 $21,129 $16,798 $4,103 $3,956
Michigan $5,067 $15,403 $14,234 $3,073 $1,911
Minnesota $7,506 $17,053 $25,573 $3,557 $3,419
Mississippi $5,335 $10,347 $10,450 $4,084 $2,430
Missouri $6,488 $14,706 $16,401 $3,005 $2,978
Montana $7,140 $22,543 $16,226 $4,707 $2,958
Nebraska $5,763 $14,794 $17,413 $3,996 $2,041
Nevada $3,728 $7,169 $11,991 $2,379 $1,942
New Hampshire $7,254 $18,341 $16,771 $3,662 $3,243
New Jersey $8,309 $17,646 $22,124 $4,687 $2,621
New Mexico $5,803 N/A $15,234 $5,565 $4,551
New York $8,901 $21,620 $30,221 $4,596 $2,639
North Carolina $5,226 $9,157 $13,810 $3,587 $2,366
North Dakota $8,338 $23,810 $25,136 $3,651 $2,536
Ohio $6,855 $19,858 $18,565 $4,223 $2,110
Oklahoma $4,782 $10,085 $13,820 $2,973 $2,462
Oregon $5,908 $15,626 $14,878 $5,064 $2,041
Pennsylvania $7,811 $17,462 $15,526 $3,564 $3,191
Rhode Island $9,247 $13,820 $20,601 $5,741 $4,585
South Carolina $4,805 $10,346 $12,068 $3,583 $2,009
South Dakota $5,485 $10,916 $15,759 $4,213 $2,502
Tennessee $5,155 $8,595 $11,679 $4,731 $2,467
Texas $5,278 $9,751 $15,259 $3,263 $3,016
Utah $4,890 $11,624 $19,597 $2,889 $2,261
Vermont $6,291 $6,405 $15,081 $4,449 $5,193
Virginia $6,224 $11,447 $16,042 $4,411 $2,698
Washington $4,993 $12,140 $14,147 $3,696 $2,099
West Virginia $6,315 $14,155 $11,031 $4,283 $2,506
Wisconsin $5,414 $14,866 $15,693 $2,731 $1,594
Wyoming $6,110 $20,726 $21,700 $3,877 $1,954
SOURCE: Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured and Urban Institute estimates based on data from FY 2011 MSIS and CMS-64 reports. For more detailed data notes, see:
Table 6: Medicaid Spending by Type of Service (in $ millions), FY 2013
State Total Acute Care Long-Term Care DSH Payments
$ $ % $ % $ %
United States $438,233 $298,840 68% $123,016 28% $16,377 4%
Alabama $5,039 $3,135 62% $1,432 28% $471 9%
Alaska $1,356 $815 60% $520 38% $22 2%
Arizona $8,438 $8,219 97% $45 1% $173 2%
Arkansas $4,207 $2,703 64% $1,443 34% $61 1%
California $61,904 $45,018 73% $14,766 24% $2,120 3%
Colorado $5,092 $3,332 65% $1,566 31% $194 4%
Connecticut $6,726 $3,469 52% $2,983 44% $273 4%
Delaware $1,563 $1,418 91% $133 9% $11 1%
DC $2,288 $1,449 63% $782 34% $56 2%
Florida $18,561 $13,499 73% $4,727 25% $335 2%
Georgia $8,960 $6,203 69% $2,327 26% $430 5%
Hawaii $1,630 $1,489 91% $117 7% $25 2%
Idaho $1,672 $1,092 65% $556 33% $24 1%
Illinois $15,658 $10,640 68% $4,571 29% $447 3%
Indiana $7,968 $4,703 59% $2,927 37% $338 4%
Iowa $3,709 $1,984 53% $1,670 45% $55 1%
Kansas $2,578 $1,863 72% $639 25% $77 3%
Kentucky $5,822 $3,970 68% $1,636 28% $216 4%
Louisiana $7,147 $4,199 59% $2,181 31% $767 11%
Maine $2,887 $2,013 70% $837 29% $37 1%
Maryland $7,781 $5,373 69% $2,274 29% $134 2%
Massachusetts $13,166 $9,340 71% $3,827 29% $0 0%
Michigan $12,386 $9,239 75% $2,760 22% $388 3%
Minnesota $8,919 $5,681 64% $3,191 36% $46 1%
Mississippi $4,736 $3,099 65% $1,419 30% $218 5%
Missouri $8,951 $5,962 67% $2,286 26% $703 8%
Montana $1,007 $614 61% $376 37% $18 2%
Nebraska $1,834 $1,015 55% $773 42% $45 2%
Nevada $1,823 $1,325 73% $417 23% $81 4%
New Hampshire $1,203 $576 48% $585 49% $41 3%
New Jersey $10,606 $5,648 53% $3,659 35% $1,298 12%
New Mexico $3,295 $2,914 88% $356 11% $25 1%
New York $54,420 $32,358 59% $18,640 34% $3,423 6%
North Carolina $11,915 $8,999 76% $2,299 19% $617 5%
North Dakota $784 $298 38% $485 62% $1 0%
Ohio $16,803 $10,056 60% $6,098 36% $649 4%
Oklahoma $4,796 $3,497 73% $1,257 26% $42 1%
Oregon $5,111 $3,541 69% $1,493 29% $77 1%
Pennsylvania $21,092 $12,489 59% $7,755 37% $847 4%
Rhode Island $1,920 $1,443 75% $348 18% $130 7%
South Carolina $4,907 $3,258 66% $1,191 24% $457 9%
South Dakota $766 $465 61% $300 39% $1 0%
Tennessee $8,716 $7,652 88% $984 11% $80 1%
Texas $28,339 $22,518 79% $5,594 20% $227 1%
Utah $2,130 $1,631 77% $470 22% $29 1%
Vermont $1,474 $1,312 89% $124 8% $37 3%
Virginia $7,291 $4,592 63% $2,513 34% $186 3%
Washington $8,171 $5,497 67% $2,308 28% $367 4%
West Virginia $3,024 $1,680 56% $1,269 42% $75 2%
Wisconsin $7,106 $5,264 74% $1,841 26% $1 0%
Wyoming $554 $288 52% $265 48% $0 0%
NOTES: Expenditures do not include administrative costs, accounting adjustments, or the U.S. Territories. Total Medicaid spending including these factors was $456.0 billion in FY 2013. “DSH” refers to disproportionate share hospital payments. For more detailed data notes, see
SOURCE: Urban Institute estimates based on data from CMS-64 reports.
Table 7: Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP), FY 2011-2015
State FY 2011 FY 2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 Federal Funds Sent to State per Dollar of State Medicaid Spending, FY 2015
Alabama 68.50% 68.60% 68.50% 68.12% 68.99% $2.22
Alaska 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% $1.00
Arizona 65.90% 67.30% 65.70% 67.23% 68.46% $2.17
Arkansas 71.40% 70.70% 70.20% 70.10% 70.88% $2.43
California 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% $1.00
Colorado 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 51.01% $1.04
Connecticut 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% $1.00
Delaware 53.20% 54.20% 55.70% 55.31% 53.63% $1.16
DC 70.00% 70.00% 70.00% 70.00% 70.00% $2.33
Florida 55.50% 56.00% 58.10% 58.79% 59.72% $1.48
Georgia 65.30% 66.20% 65.60% 65.93% 66.94% $2.02
Hawaii 51.80% 50.50% 51.90% 51.85% 52.23% $1.09
Idaho 68.90% 70.20% 71.00% 71.64% 71.75% $2.54
Illinois 50.20% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.76% $1.03
Indiana 66.50% 67.00% 67.20% 66.92% 66.52% $1.99
Iowa 62.60% 60.70% 59.60% 57.93% 55.54% $1.25
Kansas 59.10% 56.90% 56.50% 56.91% 56.63% $1.31
Kentucky 71.50% 71.20% 70.60% 69.83% 69.94% $2.33
Louisiana 63.60% 61.10% 61.20% 60.98% 62.05% $1.64
Maine 63.80% 63.30% 62.60% 61.55% 61.88% $1.62
Maryland 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% $1.00
Massachusetts 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% $1.00
Michigan 65.80% 66.10% 66.40% 66.32% 65.54% $1.90
Minnesota 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% $1.00
Mississippi 74.70% 74.20% 73.40% 73.05% 73.58% $2.79
Missouri 63.30% 63.50% 61.40% 62.03% 63.45% $1.74
Montana 66.80% 66.10% 66.00% 66.33% 65.90% $1.93
Nebraska 58.40% 56.60% 55.80% 54.74% 53.27% $1.14
Nevada 51.60% 56.20% 59.70% 63.10% 64.36% $1.81
New Hampshire 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% $1.00
New Jersey 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% $1.00
New Mexico 69.80% 69.40% 69.10% 69.20% 69.65% $2.29
New York 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% $1.00
North Carolina 64.70% 65.30% 65.50% 65.78% 65.88% $1.93
North Dakota 60.40% 55.40% 52.30% 50.00% 50.00% $1.00
Ohio 63.70% 64.20% 63.60% 63.02% 62.64% $1.68
Oklahoma 64.90% 63.90% 64.00% 64.02% 62.30% $1.65
Oregon 62.90% 62.90% 62.40% 63.14% 64.06% $1.78
Pennsylvania 55.60% 55.10% 54.30% 53.52% 51.82% $1.08
Rhode Island 53.00% 52.10% 51.30% 50.11% 50.00% $1.00
South Carolina 70.00% 70.20% 70.40% 70.57% 70.64% $2.41
South Dakota 61.30% 59.10% 56.20% 53.54% 51.64% $1.07
Tennessee 65.90% 66.40% 66.10% 65.29% 64.99% $1.86
Texas 60.60% 58.20% 59.30% 58.69% 58.05% $1.38
Utah 71.10% 71.00% 69.60% 70.34% 70.56% $2.40
Vermont 58.70% 57.60% 56.00% 55.11% 54.01% $1.17
Virginia 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% $1.00
Washington 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.03% $1.00
West Virginia 73.20% 72.60% 72.00% 71.09% 71.35% $2.49
Wisconsin 60.20% 60.50% 59.70% 59.06% 58.27% $1.40
Wyoming 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% $1.00
NOTES: FMAPs displayed here apply to spending associated with beneficiaries who qualify for Medicaid under pre-ACA eligibility criteria. The FMAP for spending associated with newly eligible adults is 100% through FY 2016, declining gradually to 90% by 2020. For more detailed data notes, see:
SOURCE: Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured calculations based on FY 2011‐2015 FMAPs published in the Federal Register as follows: FY 2011 FMAP – Vol. 76, No. 107, pp. 32204‐32207; FY 2012 FMAP – Vol. 75, No. 217, pp. 69082‐69084; FY 2013 FMAP – Vol. 76, No. 230, pp. 74061‐74063; FY 2014 FMAP – Vol. 77, No. 23, pp 71420-71423; FY 2015 FMAP – Vol. 79, No. 13, pp.3385-3388.
Table 8: Selected Measures of Health Need among Adults
State Uninsured Adults
<100% FPL1
% Adults with % of Population
Living in Primary CareHPSAs5
Number % Disabilities2 Diabetes3 Poor Mental Health4
United States 25,694,900 37% 10.1% 6.2% 33.7% 19.2%
Alabama 415,300 47% 14.9% 11.1% 34.8% 37.0%
Alaska 39,800 N/A 10.4% 6.3% 32.7% 17.5%
Arizona 733,900 43% 9.8% 8.1% 35.2% 42.2%
Arkansas 275,600 42% 15.3% 9.2% 35.9% 12.3%
California 3,221,300 37% 7.8% 8.9% 36.8% 16.1%
Colorado 322,400 36% 8.4% 6.0% 35.3% 17.7%
Connecticut 239,000 28% 8.2% 6.4% 34.9% 11.0%
Delaware 64,700 13% 10.4% 7.7% 32.9% 22.6%
DC 81,600 13% 9.7% 8.0% 37.3% 38.7%
Florida 1,690,800 46% 9.9% 8.7% 34.2% 24.1%
Georgia 848,600 45% 10.5% 9.8% 31.6% 20.8%
Hawaii 93,900 20% 8.2% 7.8% 27.5% 3.5%
Idaho 123,400 38% 11.0% 7.7% 36.7% 29.9%
Illinois 985,800 34% 8.5% 8.2% 38.5% 27.0%
Indiana 431,800 28% 10.8% 9.1% 36.2% 25.8%
Iowa 189,400 37% 9.6% 6.9% 29.6% 21.4%
Kansas 196,900 35% 10.8% 8.0% 30.0% 23.3%
Kentucky 480,700 39% 15.3% 10.1% 37.0% 18.6%
Louisiana 455,500 36% 13.5% 10.3% 34.7% 43.3%
Maine 94,700 21% 13.6% 7.4% 34.2% 6.6%
Maryland 331,300 27% 8.2% 8.9% 33.0% 17.9%
Massachusetts 494,900 N/A 8.9% 7.2% 35.8% 7.3%
Michigan 886,900 33% 11.6% 9.2% 35.9% 17.3%
Minnesota 400,400 23% 8.2% 6.2% 30.1% 7.3%
Mississippi 376,800 33% 15.3% 11.3% 32.7% 57.7%
Missouri 482,800 40% 12.6% 8.0% 32.3% 27.5%
Montana 82,100 N/A 10.3% 6.2% 32.1% 26.0%
Nebraska 107,800 36% 8.2% 7.1% 30.4% 1.6%
Nevada 269,500 59% 10.3% 8.1% 33.4% 18.7%
New Hampshire 67,700 37% 9.6% 7.0% 32.9% 3.7%
New Jersey 542,000 35% 7.7% 8.3% 31.3% 0.3%
New Mexico 248,000 41% 13.1% 8.1% 33.0% 42.3%
New York 1,654,300 22% 8.4% 8.4% 35.1% 17.2%
North Carolina 957,600 52% 11.3% 9.3% 30.4% 12.7%
North Dakota 40,500 N/A 8.3% 6.9% 31.1% 26.5%
Ohio 975,200 32% 11.9% 9.4% 32.2% 10.2%
Oklahoma 314,900 34% 13.6% 10.1% 34.3% 25.5%
Oregon 370,800 31% 11.7% 7.2% 40.2% 23.5%
Pennsylvania 914,100 31% 11% 8.7% 35.5% 5.0%
Rhode Island 76,300 22% 10.4% 6.8% 35.3% 14.4%
South Carolina 431,500 44% 12.1% 9.9% 33.9% 27.3%
South Dakota 45,200 N/A 10.0% 6.4% 26.8% 21.9%
Tennessee 659,700 34% 13.4% 10.2% 28.5% 18.0%
Texas 2,273,100 56% 10.0% 9.8% 28.2% 19.4%
Utah 121,500 N/A 8.5% 7.1% 38.5% 19.0%
Vermont 31,800 N/A 11.0% 5.8% 34.8% 0.0%
Virginia 482,200 41% 8.4% 8.1% 30.1% 14.6%
Washington 493,000 38% 10.1% 7.4% 37.3% 19.0%
West Virginia 195,600 30% 16.8% 10.7% 32.0% 17.0%
Wisconsin 341,800 31% 9.2% 7.1% 35.7% 14.4%
Wyoming 40,600 37% 9.8% 6.6% 30.7% 25.6%
SOURCES: 1-Kaiser Family Foundation estimates based on the Census Bureau’s March 2014 Current Population Survey (CPS: Annual Social and Economic Supplements). 2-Erickson, W., Lee, C., & von Schrader, S. (2014). 2012 Disability Status Report: United States. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Employment and Disability Institute(EDI). 3-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: National Diabetes Surveillance System. Available online at: 4-Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey Data (BRFSS), 2014. 5- KCMU calculations based on HRSA Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Area statistics for 2014 and Urban Institute tabulations of 2012 and 2013 ASEC Supplement to the CPS.
Issue Brief

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