Resource List

General Background/Overview/Theory

Campos, J. E., and Pradhan, S. (2007). The many faces of corruption: tracking vulnerabilities at the sector level. World Bank.

Savedoff, W. and Hussmann, K. (2006). Why are health systems prone to corruption? Transparency International Global Corruption Report 2006.

UNDP (2011). Fighting Corruption in the Health Sector.  Methods, Tools, and Good Practices.

Vian, T. (2005). The Sectoral Dimensions of Corruption: Health Care. Fighting Corruption in Developing Countries: Strategies and Analysis. Edited by Bertram I. Spector. 43-63. Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Press.

Vian, T. (2006). Corruption in Hospital Administration. Global Corruption Report 2006.  Edited by Transparency International. 48-61. London: Pluto Press.

Vian, T. (2008). Corruption and the Consequences for Public Health. International Encyclopedia of Public Health. Vol 2. 26-33. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

Vian, T. (2008). Review of corruption in the health sector: theory, methods, and interventions. Health Policy and Planning 23 (2): 83-94. doi: 10.1093/heapol/czm048

Estimates of corruption in the health sector and links to health impacts

Amnesty International (2009). Giving Live, Risking Death.

Azfar, O. and Gurgur, T. (2008). Does corruption affect health outcomes in the Philippines? Economics of Governance July 2008, Volume 9, Issue 3, pp 197-244.

Gee J, Button M. (2014). The financial cost of healthcare fraud.

Hanf M, et al. (2011). Corruption Kills: Estimating the Global Impact of Corruption on Children Deaths. PLoS ONE 6(11): e26990. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026990

International Monetary Fund (2000). Corruption and the provision of health care and education services.

Kohler  JC. (2011). Mapping of Good Practices of Anti-Corruption Interventions in the Health Sector. Prepared for the UNDP Democratic Governance Group, New York.

Lewis M. (2000). Who is paying for health care in Eastern Europe and Central Asia? World Bank Publications.

Lewis M. (2006). Governance and corruption in public health care systems. Center for Global Development working paper, (78).

Lin RT, et al. (2014). Governance matters: an ecological association between governance and child mortality. Int Health. 6(3):249-57. doi: 10.1093/inthealth/ihu018. Epub 2014.

Vian T, et al. (2013). Perceptions of per diems in the health sector: Evidence and implications. Health Policy & Planning. 28(3):237-246.

Witvliet MI, et al. (2013). Sick regimes and sick people: a multilevel investigation of the population health consequences of perceived national corruption. Tropical Medicine and International Health. 18(10):1240–1247.

Country/region specific studies

Avelino G, Barberia LG, Biderman C (2013). Governance in managing public health resources in Brazilian municipalities. Health policy and planning. 2014 Sep;29(6):694-702. doi: 10.1093/heapol/czt003. Epub 2013 Feb 14.

Burak LJ, Vian T (2007). Examining and predicting under-the-table payments for healthcare in Albania: An application of the theory of planned behavior. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 37(5): 1060-1076.

Ghosh A, Ahmad S. (1996). Plague in Surat: Crisis in Urban Governance. New Delhi: Concept Publications.

Ha T, et al (2011). Towards a Transparent and Quality Healthcare System: A Qualitative Study on the Causes, Perceptions and Impact of Informal Payments in Health Services in Vietnam.

Schulz-Herzenberg C (2007). A lethal cocktail. Institute for Security Studies. Transparency International. Zimbabwe.

Vian T, et al (2012). Confronting corruption in the health sector in Vietnam: Patterns and prospects. Public Administration and Development 32: 49-63.

Vian T (2013). Complaint mechanisms in health organizations. U4 Brief. Bergen, Norway: U4 Anti-corruption Resource Centre.

Vian T (2013). Implementing a Transparency and Accountability Policy to reduce corruption: the GAVI Alliance in Cameroon. U4 Brief. Bergen, Norway: U4 Anti-corruption Resource Centre.

Vian T (2014). Corruption risk assessment in the health sector in Kosovo. UNDP: Pristina, Kosovo.

Vian T, Bicknell WJ (2013). Good governance and budget reform in Lesotho Public Hospitals: performance, root causes and reality. Health Policy and Planning 2014 Sep;29(6):673-84. doi: 10.1093/heapol/czs121. Epub 2013 Jan 4.

Vian T, Burak LJ (2006). Beliefs about informal payments in Albania. Health Policy and Planning 21 (5): 392-401.

Vian T, Feeley FG (2014). Framework for addressing out-of-pocket and informal payments for health services in Moldova. Chisinau, Moldova: WHO.

Vian T, et al (2006). Informal Payments in Government Health Facilities in Albania: Results of a Qualitative Study.  Social Science and Medicine 62: 877-887.

Focus on the Pharmaceutical Sector

Attaran A, et al (2012). How to achieve international action on falsified and substandard medicines. BMJ, 345.

Baghdadi-Sabeti G, et al (2009). Measuring transparency in the public pharmaceutical sector: Assessment instrument. WHO/EMP/MAR/2009.4. Geneva: World Health Organization.

Baghdadi-Sabeti G, Serhan F (2010). WHO Good Governance for Medicines programme: an innovative approach to prevent corruption in the pharmaceutical sector. Compilation of country case studies and best practices. World Health Organization.

Cohen JC, et al (2007). Corruption and pharmaceuticals: Strengthening good governance to improve access. The Many Faces of Corruption: Tracking Vulnerabilities at the Sector Level. Washington DC: World Bank.

Kohler JC, Baghdadi-Sabeti G (2011). The World Medicines Situation 2011. World Health Organization.[].

Kohler JC, et al (2014). Why the MDGs need good governance in pharmaceutical systems to promote global health. BMC Public Health 14(1):63.

Morris J, Stevens P (2006). Counterfeit medicines in less developed countries. London: International Policy Network, May, 3, 6.

Waning B, Vian T (2008). Transparency and accountability in an electronic era: the case of pharmaceutical procurements. U4 Brief, 2008(10).

World Bank (2002). Improving transparency in pharmaceutical systems: strengthening critical decision points against corruption: a case study of Costa Rica.

World Health Organization. (2014). Good Governance in the Pharmaceutical Sector: Report of a World Health Organization Technical Working Group.

Vian T (2006). Preventing drug diversion through supply chain management: U4 Brief. No. 4. U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center.

Anti-corruption methods/approaches/tools/evaluations

Brinkerhoff DW (2010). Unpacking the concept of political will to confront corruption. U4 Brief. No. 1. U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center.

Ciccone DK, et al. (2014). Linking governance mechanisms to health outcomes: a review of the literature in low- and middle-income countries. Social Science and Medicine 117:86-95.

Kohler JC, Makady A (2013). Harnessing global health diplomacy to curb corruption in health. J Health Dipl, 1(1), 1-14.

Mackey TK, Liang BA. (2012). Combating healthcare corruption and fraud with improved global health governance. BMC International Health and Human Rights 12(1):23.

Rashidian A, et al (2012). No Evidence of the Effect of Interventions to Combat Health Care Fraud and Abuse: A Systematic Review of Literature. PLoS ONE 7(8): e41988. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041988.

USAID (2009). Anti-corruption assessment handbook.

USAID (2014). Analysis of USAID Anticorruption Programming Worldwide (2007-2013).

Vian T (2006). Reducing vulnerabilities to corruption in user fee systems: U4 Brief. No. 3. U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center.

Vian T (2008). Transparency in health programs. U4 Brief, No. 9. U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center.

Vian T (2009). Approaches to teaching and learning about corruption in the health sector. U4 Brief, No. 30. U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center.

Vian T (2009). Benefits and Drawbacks of Per Diems: Do Allowances Distort Good Governance in the Health Sector?U4 Brief,  No. 29. U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center.

Vian T (2012). Exploring the construction of transparency: An analysis of health managers’ narratives. Global Health Governance. Vol V. No. 2.

Vian T, Collins D. (2006). Using financial performance indicators to promote accountability and transparency in health systems: U4 Brief. No. 1. U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center.

Vian T, et al (2010). Anticorruption in the Health Sector: Strategies for Transparency and Accountability. Kumarian Press.

Vian T, et al (2012). Perceptions of per diems in the health sector: evidence and implications. Health Policy and Planning 28(3):237-46. doi: 10.1093/heapol/czs056. Epub 2012 Jun 8.


Musau S, Vian, T (2008). Fraud in hospitals. U4 Brief, No. 8. U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center.

Semrau K, et al (2008). Embezzlement of Donor Funding in Health Projects. U4 Brief, No. 11. U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center.

Soreide T et al (2014). Consequences of Corruption at the Sectoral Level and Implications for Economic Development (the G20 Paper on Corruption in Sectors). Prepared for the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group in Rome 9-11 June 2014. Paris: OECD.

The Global Anticorruption Blog:

U4 Anticorruption Resource Centre:

World Bank Integrity Vice Presidency Website:

World Health Organization. Good Governance for Medicines (GGM) Website.

Issue Brief

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