What Do They Mean When They Talk About Pre-Existing Health Conditions?

One health care issue about which the presidential candidates acknowledge they have differences is how the health care system should treat people with pre-existing health conditions. People who have a health condition (such as an illness or pregnancy) or who are at higher than average risk of needing health care…

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JAMA Forum: Hard Questions on Health Care

“Hard Questions on Health Care,” Larry Levitt’s October 2012 post on The JAMA Forum, is now available online.

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How Small Business Owners Get Health Insurance

As with any economic policy issue, there has been much discussion of how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will affect small businesses. But, there’s been very little focus on how the health reform law will affect the owners of those businesses as people. As our recently released Employer Health Benefits…

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Pulling it Together: How the ACA Can Help The Homeless

Estimates are that there are approximately 630,000 people who are homeless on any given night in the U.S. — about two-thirds in shelters and one-third on the street or without real shelter. Several million people are estimated to experience homelessness over the course of a year. About two-thirds are individuals and the…

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How the ACA Changes Pathways to Insurance Coverage for People with HIV

There are multiple sources of insurance coverage and care for people with HIV in the United States.  These include public programs, such as Medicaid and Medicare, and the Ryan White HIV/AIDS program, as well as private coverage through an employer or in the individual market. Medicaid, the nation’s principal safety-net…

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JAMA Forum: What Is Health Care Cost Containment?

“What Is Health Care Cost Containment?” Larry Levitt’s September 2012 contribution to The JAMA Forum, is now available online.

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The independent source for health policy research, polling, and news, KFF is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, California.