Zika Virus Continues To Spread, Cause Birth Defects In Latin America; U.S. Officials Report About 12 Imported Cases Nationwide
Reuters: Birth defects linked to Zika virus still rising in Brazil
“The cases of babies born with unusually small heads continue to rise in Brazil where researchers said on Wednesday they had found new evidence linking the increase to the Zika virus spreading through the Americas…” (Boadle, 1/20).
Reuters: Zika virus may infect up to 700,000 people in Colombia: government
“The mosquito-borne Zika virus has already infected more than 13,500 people in Colombia and could hit as many as 700,000, the health minister said on Wednesday…” (Acosta/Cobb, 1/20).
Washington Post: CDC: ‘Dozen or so’ cases of Zika virus among U.S. residents
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday that there are at least ‘a dozen or so’ confirmed cases of Zika virus in residents who recently traveled to countries where the mosquito-borne virus is spreading…” (Sun, 1/20).
Washington Post: Florida, Illinois officials report travel-related Zika virus cases
“Florida and Illinois state officials said several of their residents who recently traveled to countries where Zika virus is found have tested positive for the virus. Texas and Hawaii have also confirmed travel-related cases…” (Sun, 1/20).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.