VOA News profiles the recently established Vietnam Clinical HIV/AIDS Society (VCHAS), among the first professional medical organizations of any type in Vietnam. VCHAS “was set up with support from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control through the Harvard Medical School AIDS Initiative, as part of the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief,” VOA notes.

Nguyen Van Kinh, an AIDS researcher and president of the society, said, “VCHAS has three functions. First, networking and sharing experience and treatment. Second, improve the capacity of the physician, technician working on HIV/AIDS treatment. And, third, we try to share experience with other countries and international organizations,” according to the news service (Brown, 7/4). A U.S. Consulate press release states “the society seeks to create a national forum open to all Vietnamese individuals and organizations working in Vietnam’s HIV/AIDS sector” in which “members can share experiences, strengthen linkages, discuss relevant policies and guidelines, and keep up to date with the latest advances in HIV/AIDS care and treatment” (6/14).

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