U.N. News: ‘Social drivers’ must be confronted in fight against tuberculosis says U.N. chief
“Winning the fight against tuberculosis requires that ‘social drivers’ of the disease — especially poverty and inequality — are tackled head on, the United Nations secretary general said [Monday], urging greater efforts to provide universal health coverage and combat the growing threat of anti-microbial resistance…” (6/4).

Xinhua News: UNGA president calls for more action to end TB
“President of the U.N. General Assembly Misrolav Lajcak said Monday that more action is needed to ensure the tuberculosis (TB) epidemic is ended by 2030, a deadline set by the U.N. Speaking at a civil society hearing on TB, Lajcak said, ‘We are not on track to meet this SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) target,’ adding the pace of progress has been too slow and global action and investment are far from enough…” (6/4).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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