News outlets report on developments surrounding the pricing of Gilead’s hepatitis C treatment, Sovaldi.

Bloomberg News: Developing Countries Pay 1% of U.S. Price for Gilead’s Sovaldi
“Developing countries such as Egypt, India, and Brazil won discounts to pay one percent of the $84,000 price Gilead Sciences Inc. is charging U.S. patients for its new hepatitis C drug. Wealthier countries such as Ukraine and China may not be so lucky, according to Doctors Without Borders, the nonprofit international aid group…” (Kitamura, 4/10).

Reuters: U.S. drug industry group defends price of Gilead hepatitis drug
“The leading U.S. pharmaceutical industry trade group on Thursday defended the cost of Gilead Sciences Inc’s new hepatitis C drug, Sovaldi, saying such treatments offer a priceless breakthrough for patients with the liver-destroying virus…” (Heavey, 4/10).

Reuters: Doctors welcome hepatitis C drug rivals, Gilead still leads
“Doctors at a key medical conference welcomed the prospect of more new drugs to treat the liver-destroying hepatitis C virus, while agreeing that Gilead Sciences Inc continues to lead the effort…” (Beasley/Hirschler, 4/11).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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