SDG Progress For Women ‘Unacceptably Slow,’ Says New U.N. Women Report
Devex: Progress on gender equality ‘unacceptably slow:’ U.N. Women
“The United Nations has warned that progress towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals for women and girls is ‘unacceptably slow,’ and has called for better data as well as a special focus on unpaid care work and ending violence against women to drive change. The monitoring report from U.N. Women, ‘Turning Promises into Action,’ released Wednesday, assesses progress towards the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, specifically looking at efforts to achieve gender equality — a prominent and cross-cutting issue across all 17 goals, the report states, as well as a standalone goal in itself…” (Edwards, 2/15).
Thomson Reuters Foundation: Progress on global goals ‘unacceptably slow’ for women, says U.N.
“Women are being left behind in the United Nations’ ambitious goals to solve hunger, injustice, and other global ills, and they remain poorer, sicker, and more vulnerable to violence than men, the U.N. women’s agency said on Wednesday. Progress to date for girls and women is patchy and in danger of backsliding in the 15-year agenda set out by the U.N. more than two years ago, according to a report by U.N. Women…” (Wulfhorst, 2/14).
Washington Post: Women poorer and hungrier than men across the world, U.N. report says
“…It is harder for women to escape poverty, the report’s authors say, because women have less access to jobs and economic opportunities. In many places, the laws make it impossible for women to inherit wealth, own land, and access credit. Even when women do find jobs, they are often paid less than men. Women have less time to work, too, because they do a disproportionate share of the housework, cooking, and child care. Women are also more vulnerable to food insecurity in nearly two-thirds of all countries. When a crisis hits, the report finds, women are more likely than men to go hungry. … Maternal death continues to be a major problem. … Women are vulnerable in other ways, too. According to the United Nations, one in five women and girls ages 15 to 49 reported experiencing physical or sexual violence at the hands of an intimate partner in the past 12 months…” (Erickson, 2/14).
Livemint: Woman’s caste raises her exposure to mortality: U.N. report
“The average Dalit woman in India dies 14.6 years younger than women from higher castes. While identities, perceived or real, can increase risks of discrimination for an individual or a group, a woman’s caste in India increases her exposure to mortality because of poor sanitation and inadequate health care, says a U.N. report released on late Wednesday night…” (Masoodi, 2/15).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.