News outlets report on a new U.N. report, the International Conference on Population and Development Global Review Report, which says progress on women’s health and rights is steady but unequal.

The Guardian: Big gains made on women’s health, but access still unequal, says U.N.
“Efforts to ensure women’s access to family planning, and to reduce the number of maternal and child deaths, have achieved significant results over the past 20 years, but progress has been unequal and fragmented, according to the U.N….” (Ford, 2/12).

Huffington Post: Progress Is ‘Unequal And Fragmented’ For Women: U.N. Report
“Though fewer women are dying during childbirth and access to education has increased in the past 20 years, many of these gains are not reaching women living in the world’s poorest communities, a new U.N. report concluded…” (Goldberg, 2/13).

New York Times: U.N. Report Says Progress for Women Is Unequal
“Twenty years after a landmark United Nations summit meeting in Cairo called on countries around the world to allow women greater control over their health and destiny, women worldwide have fewer children, are less likely to die of childbirth and have made great strides in literacy, according to a major report released Wednesday by the world body…” (Sengupta, 2/12).

U.N. News Centre: Ignoring equality, rights and women’s health risks derailing development — U.N. officials
“While nearly one billion people have escaped extreme poverty in the past 20 years and child and maternal mortality have been cut by almost one half, much more work remains to be done to address inequalities and ensure the rights and dignity of all, especially women and children, top United Nations officials stressed today…” (2/12).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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