News outlets report on Ebola efforts in Liberia, including the role of U.S. personnel in building and staffing health care facilities, as well as a local politician providing ambulances.

The Hill: U.S. personnel will staff Liberian Ebola hospital
“The commander in charge of the U.S. response to Ebola in Africa said Thursday that 65 U.S. uniformed personnel would soon staff a 25-bed hospital in Monrovia that will directly treat Liberian health care workers if they are infected…” (Wong, 10/16).

Wall Street Journal: In Liberia, U.S. Soldiers Race Ebola
“American and Liberian soldiers hammer, saw, and sweat in the afternoon sun here in a frenetic campaign to build [this Liberian] county’s first Ebola-treatment unit. Soon, the soldiers will have floodlights to work round-the-clock shifts…” (Vogt, 10/16).

Washington Post: In Ebola-crippled Liberia, six U.S. ambulances become critical
“In a country where public services have virtually collapsed, where about a dozen ambulances are normally available for four million people, saving an Ebola patient often comes down to this: phoning a barrel-chested politician with a taste for Hummers. … In February, weeks before the disease hit, the lawmaker [Saah Joseph] imported six shiny ambulances from central California. His goal was modest — to serve his constituents suffering everyday ailments, and to burnish his reputation in the process. But now, his personal cellphone number is announced on the radio and exchanged by friends in crisis. … While the United States and other donors channel more than a billion dollars into impoverished Liberia, Joseph, 38, has created one of the most vital services in this disease-stricken land: his own emergency medical team. He has six more ambulances on the way from California…” (Sieff, 10/16).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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