News outlets continue to report on a White House official’s confirmation that the CIA will no longer use vaccination programs for covert operations.

Bloomberg Businessweek: The CIA Stops Fake Vaccinations as Real Polio Rebounds
“The White House confirmed this week that the Central Intelligence Agency will no longer use vaccination campaigns in its operations, reviving the debate over a surprise comeback of the polio virus. The CIA famously used fake vaccinations during its hunt for Osama bin Laden, which ended in his killing at a Pakistan hideout in 2011. The operation spawned a backlash against vaccination workers that hampered efforts to eradicate the disease there…” (Robison, 5/21).

Fox News: White House says CIA will stop using vaccination programs as cover for operations
“…[President Obama’s top homeland security adviser] Lisa Monaco announced the policy change last week in a letter to the deans of 13 schools of public health. … The educators had written to Obama last year protesting the use of immunization programs as a front for espionage…” (5/20).

The Guardian: CIA will not use vaccination schemes for spying, says White House official
“A top White House official has promised that the Central Intelligence Agency will never again use vaccination programs as a cover for spying, three years after the agency set up a fake immunization program in Pakistan in its hunt for Osama bin Laden…” (Gambino, 5/20).

VOA News: CIA: Vaccination Programs Won’t be Used for Spying
“The White House has pledged that the CIA will no longer use vaccination programs as a cover for spying operations, three years after the agency used the ruse in Pakistan before the U.S. raid that killed Osama bin Laden…” (5/20).

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