More News In Global Health

Associated Press: No training, no gloves: Zimbabwe’s desperate childbirths (Mutsaka, 11/18).

Devex: Beyond recognition: Certifying quality maternal care in India (Espinosa et al., 11/18).

DW: Children at risk of ‘new threats’ like climate change, warns UNICEF (11/18).

Emirates News Agency: Fake news and anti-vaccine propaganda threaten public health: Former New Zealand PM (Abdulkader, 11/18).

The Guardian: Wiping out the daughters: Burkina Faso’s controversial mosquito experiment (Boersma/Bastmeijer, 11/18).

LiveMint: My wish is for India to eliminate child malnutrition, says Bill Gates (Roche/Sharma, 11/18).

New York Times: Bogaletch Gebre, Foe of Female Genital Mutilation, Dies at 66 (Seelye, 11/17).

NPR: How The Oral Polio Vaccine Can Cause Polio (Beaubien, 11/16).

NPR: Polio Is Making A Comeback (Beaubien, 11/15).

NPR: Could ‘Hidden Hunger’ Be Conquered With A Particle The Size Of A Grain Of Salt? (McDonnell, 11/15).

U.N. News: WHO supports measles campaign targeting millions of children in northern Nigeria (11/17).

U.N. News: U.N. calls for action to tackle ‘ubiquitous but invisible’ global road safety crisis (11/17).

VOA: WHO Calls for Stricter Regulations on E-Cigarettes (Schlein, 11/17).

VOA: Botswana’s HIV Patients Relieved as Legal Battle Over Medicine Ends (Dube, 11/15).

Xinhua: Mongolia warns against traveling to cholera-affected countries (11/18).

Xinhua: South Sudan, U.N. to immunize 144,000 against cholera (11/17).

Xinhua: Spotlight: Public healthcare sector in Libya suffering due to armed conflict (11/17).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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