More News In Global Health

Los Angeles Times: Health emergency declared in northern Brazil after measles outbreak (Langlois, 7/16).

New York Times: Now in Sight: Success Against an Infection That Blinds (McNeil, 7/16).

Reuters: Mass radio campaign saves thousands of child lives in Africa (Kelland, 7/16).

Science: ‘Frightening’ drug-resistant strain of typhoid spreads in Pakistan (Cohen, 7/16).

STAT: No more ‘sledgehammer’: As gonorrhea grows resistant to antibiotics, researchers look to bespoke treatments (Branswell, 7/17).

U.N. News: Sand and dust storms, a ‘human well-being’ issue, says high-level panel (7/16).

VOA News: Maternity Homes Provide Essential Care to Pregnant Women in Rural Ethiopia (Taboh, 7/15).

Xinhua News: Non-communicable diseases leading causes of death in Asia-Pacific region: ADB (7/16).

Xinhua News: Sudan launches anti-polio campaign to vaccinate 3 million children (7/17).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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