Media Outlets Feature Stories On Various Aspects Of HIV/AIDS Epidemic On World Day
Newsweek: World AID Day 2017 Theme, Facts, and Events: Everything You Need To Know
“Today is World AIDS Day and, though the number of new HIV infections in the United States has declined since 2010 — and the number of worldwide deaths from AIDS has gone down by 50 percent since 2005 — there are still more than 36 million people around the world who are living with AIDS, according to the World Health Organization. Only half are receiving appropriate treatment — which makes the [organization’s] global theme for the 30th World AIDS Day particularly fitting. This year, WHO has declared the theme is ‘right to health.’ Specifically, the organization hopes to draw attention to the need for universal health coverage…” (Sheridan, 12/1).
BuzzFeed News: The Majority Of People Living With HIV In Asia-Pacific Don’t Have Access To The Drugs They Need (Rushton, 11/30).
Financial Times: Russia faulted for HIV epidemic that bucks global trend (Hille, 11/30).
The Guardian: ‘Every app is a dating app’: technology blamed for spike in HIV rates in Pakistan (Rasmussen/Ullah, 12/1).
The Guardian: ‘Society needs to learn to accept’: living with HIV and AIDS in Africa — in pictures (Schermbrucker, 12/1).
TIME: ‘We Need a Day.’ Meet the Man Who Helped Create World AIDS Day (Waxman, 11/30).
Quartz: Nine out of ten adolescent deaths due to AIDS are in Africa (Chutel, 12/1).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.