Media Outlets Report On Other Aspects Of U.N. High-Level Meeting On TB
The Lancet: U.N. High-Level Meeting to end tuberculosis disappointing
“Tuberculosis experts have labelled the first-ever U.N. High-Level Meeting on the world’s biggest infectious disease killer a ‘disappointment.’ … There was widespread hope the meeting would represent a historic milestone in the fight against a disease that killed 1.6 million people last year. But fewer than 20 heads of state turned up for the meeting. Leaders from some high-burden tuberculosis countries, including India and Russia, and donors that had promised to help fund the response were missing…” (Cousins, 10/3).
RT News: Information conquers disease: Media and volunteers help defeat TB in China
“At the U.N. General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Ending Tuberculosis (TB), Peng Liyuan, wife of the Chinese president, urged the global community to unite in the fight against this deadly disease. … In her speech, China’s first lady noted that her country was making progress in the fight against the disease thanks to two factors: enhanced prevention measures and an information policy spread by media and volunteers involving 700,000 people…” (10/3).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.