News sources report on a study published in The Lancet detailing how Greece’s financial crisis is impacting health care in the country.

Associated Press/Washington Post: Greek financial crisis tied to worsening health
“Researchers say they have found new evidence that Greece’s financial crisis is taking a toll on the health of its citizens, including rising rates of HIV, tuberculosis, depression and even infant deaths. Since the economic crisis hit several years ago, the government’s health spending has been slashed and hundreds of thousands of people have been left without health insurance. As cuts have been made to AIDS prevention programs, rates of HIV and tuberculosis in drug users have spiked…” (2/21).

University of Oxford: Greece’s deepening health crisis
“Greece’s health crisis is worsening as a result of continued health care budget cuts, says a new study published in the medical journal, The Lancet. Researchers say the harmful effects of austerity are linked to the increasing inability of patients to access the health system, large rises in the incidence of infectious disease, and a deterioration in the overall mental health of Greek people…” (2/20).

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